Shiverpeak Explorer

Shiverpeak Explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aissia.2965


I currently have 174/175. According to Wiki and my in-game maps, there are two areas missing—Forsaken Hills and Tribulation Caverns. A mini-dungeon and a jumping puzzle, two things I thoroughly dislike. So, before I tackle either one, does anyone know which one I actually need to complete this achievement? If the answer is neither, I have no idea what I am missing. Thanks in advance for your help!

Shiverpeak Explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


You only have to discover them, not complete them to finish Shiverpeak Explorer. Forsaken Halls you may have to go to look at the Dwarven door at Wyrmblood Lake and then go find Gerrvin at Travelen’s Steading to get that started to get into the mini dungeon. You may get the discovery simply by walking up to the door, I cannot remember whether I got it at the door or if I did it by entering, got it and left.

Shiverpeak Explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cpg.7140


I can’t comment on what you’re missing, but I’m 99% sure don’t need either, as both were added after the achievement was created.

That said, tribulation caverns isn’t that hard to get (the scaffolding to get there isn’t that bad), and you don’t have to do the entire puzzle, just enter it. Though the puzzle itself isn’t all that bad either if you just run through it and don’t fight til the end, but that’s your call.

IINM I was missing either tail of the serpent or lair of the coil, both caves in the SE portion of timberline falls. Neither of them have anything for map completion so they’re easy to skip.

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Shiverpeak Explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mbridg.4069


Thanks for this! I’ve been banging my head up against a wall with this same problem for a while. The Coil of the Serpent was what I needed to complete the achievement.

Shiverpeak Explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Niloc.4365


I am at 174/175 and I discovered Tribulation Caverns, Forsaken Hills and Ulukk’s Hunger and am still stuck at 174/175. I also have Cragstead so that isn’t it. Any other suggestions?

EDIT = It was De Molish Post. That being said, I’m guessing this proves that at least Tribulation Caverns, Forsaken Hills and Ulukk’s Hunger don’t count for the Shiverpeaks Explorer achievement.

(edited by Niloc.4365)

Shiverpeak Explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aissia.2965


Niloc: They do count. At least Tribulation Caverns does. That was the one I was missing. As soon as I “discovered” it, I got the achievement.

Aerinndis & cpg: Thanks for the suggestions. They helped!

(edited by Aissia.2965)

Shiverpeak Explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


In my experience new areas that are added do count for explorer achievements if the maps that they are on haven’t previously been completed before the new area is added. If you had previously completed a map you usually don’t need to ‘discover’ the new area, it automatically is counted for you.

The same is not true for new POI/WP – these need to be revisited to bring your maps back up to 100% completion.

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