Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rothschild.8361



I am stuck at 174/175 and that is the only point in the map not showing I have all others including cragitead. And im already re-enter the cragitead again. And i’v cheak one by one on Can anyone help me?


Arcanemoon Desolation lv80 warrior

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Try Angvar’s Trove in the NW corner of Snowden Drfits – it was added a couple of months ago for a guild puzzle and doesn’t appear to be on the Bluestone list.

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Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rothschild.8361


i tried, but i already have that point. And this point already added in Bluestone list. But, thank you as well

Arcanemoon Desolation lv80 warrior

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cpg.7140


Tail of the Serpent and/or Lair of the Coil in SE Timberline Falls? Both are easy to miss since they look like they could reasonably be outside the map…

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Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Meluna.1764

Nothing to do but recheck all maps on the wiki per hand and compare with yours which are open.

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rothschild.8361


Thx all, but i’v already checked three times on Bluestone, 175 points one by one….nothing left, but still stuck at 174/175..

Arcanemoon Desolation lv80 warrior

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: viennapleads.1784


Some of the areas don’t actually have anything in them, but you still have to uncover them to get the achieve. Try googling maps and look for pics like this. It should help.


Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

If you have triple checked all 175 locations then you must be bugged. File a ticket or post in the bugs section.

Finding the 175 locations listed in the bluestone link works almost every time.

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aniyka.9481


My last area to be found was De Molish Post of all places… it really does help to look at the maps up close and see where areas are smeared as if a kid had fun with a crayon.

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sersun.9513


The one I missed was Tribulation Caverns (not Tribulation Rift) in Dredeghaunt. It’s only accessible via a jumping puzzle.

Hope that helps someone.

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mel.8769


The explorer achievements are tough because there are a few areas that don’t have POIs, vistas, skill points, etc… that counts toward regular map completion. If you have map completion for all maps in the explorer achievement, but not the achievement, then it’s probably because of this. Some are tricky to get to, and use underground entrances.

What I did was first look for areas that still looked blurry on the map. Then I would walk the edges of the map very carefully, going up into all the little nooks and crannies, caves and crevices.

Cross referencing maps help too!

Go to the wiki page for a map, and look for the areas without any map completion next to them. Click the link, and cross reference your map.

Let’s take Snowden Drifts for example.
You can see that there are a few that do not have map completion listed. (see attachment) Click those links, I’m using Jotun’s Vista for example, and see where the area is located on the map. (see attachment) Now look at your map and see if you see the words Jotun’s Vista. If yes, move on to the next one. If no, and the area looks shaded and not clear like the rest of the map, then that area still needs to be uncovered.
This is also a great site to see the shape of the maps. I also used this site a good bit for world completion. Click the icons for user submitted hints; really useful on chests, vistas, and jumping puzzles. It’s also great to find locations for crafting materials (like scales and bones), and ranger pets. You can toggle the icons using the menus at the top.


Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden. -Unknown

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drew Blood.1586

Drew Blood.1586

The one I missed was Tribulation Caverns (not Tribulation Rift) in Dredeghaunt. It’s only accessible via a jumping puzzle.

Hope that helps someone.

Yes, thank you very much.

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rebekka.6875


Have you open from Dredgehaunt Cliffs that Forsaken Halls? There is not PoI in there, but it is area what you need to open. You can open it by doing mini dungeon Forsaken Fortune.

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Carize.8532


Lair of the Coil, Tail of the Serpent in Timberline Falls, and Griffonrook Run (jump puzzle) in Lornar’s Falls.

Sector Zuhl (dredge/destroyer jump puzzle), Tribulation Caverns (the ice cave jump puzzle) and Forsaken Halls in Dredgehaunt Cliffs.

All of those are kind of oddball areas that you need to go near or into for the exploration to pop up for you.

Going over each map for area names from top to bottom to see that the white text naming the area is showing is a good way to help pinpoint the spots you still need.

I hope those help you find the missing area. Good Luck!

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Jade Quarry since launch then I started wandering the borderlands of Yak’s Bend

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: islarose.7356


The one I missed was Tribulation Caverns (not Tribulation Rift) in Dredeghaunt. It’s only accessible via a jumping puzzle.

Hope that helps someone.

Thank you! That’s what did it for me. I checked all of the instanced areas (I snatched forsaken halls, ulukk’s hunger, Cragstead..) but it didn’t tick until I entered the area beyond the vista at Tribulation rift. There is an additional jumping puzzle that begins in Trib Caverns, however just entering the area from the cliffside behind the vista point triggered it for me.

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: islarose.7356


Have you open from Dredgehaunt Cliffs that Forsaken Halls? There is not PoI in there, but it is area what you need to open. You can open it by doing mini dungeon Forsaken Fortune.

Worth noting that you don’t actually have to complete the dungeon – Just go to the door at wyrmblood lake, get the message, go back to talk to Gervin at the homestead on Snowslide ravine, read his books, talk to him, then you have to escort him back to the dwarven door, at which point you will be able to enter the instance. I simply entered and left to get the exploration credit.

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryujin.7015


Have you open from Dredgehaunt Cliffs that Forsaken Halls? There is not PoI in there, but it is area what you need to open. You can open it by doing mini dungeon Forsaken Fortune.

Worth noting that you don’t actually have to complete the dungeon – Just go to the door at wyrmblood lake, get the message, go back to talk to Gervin at the homestead on Snowslide ravine, read his books, talk to him, then you have to escort him back to the dwarven door, at which point you will be able to enter the instance. I simply entered and left to get the exploration credit.

There is an achievement for finishing that dungeons and it’s so simple could be done in 15mins..
Edit: The area I was missing is Rat’s Run

(edited by Ryujin.7015)

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ranger Serenity.2708

Ranger Serenity.2708

Griffonhook Run is one of the 175 areas needed for the Shiverpeaks Explorer achievement award, yet it is not easy to stumble across nor does it have any POI or other thing to cause you to go looking for it. If you’re stuck at 173 or 174 out of 175, this is one of the places likely to be missing

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KimmyLu.4938


Hi, I had exactly the same problem, I was stuck at 174, I had 100% showing for all areas (poi, waypoints etc) and had done every jumping puzzle and also the mini dungeon bits. It turned out I was missing 2 areas that have no poi’s or anything in them. The 2 I didn’t have were:
Wayfarers Foothills, Doldenvan Passage which is to the right of Hangrammr climb, you get there by going south from Darkriven waypoint.
And Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Betrayal grounds which is in the bottom right hand side between Spearhead bane and Black Earth Coalmine.
Not sure if this will be helpful but I missed them, I had to compare my screen to maps to figure this out, it took a while.
Good luck

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I am stuck at 174/175 and that is the only point in the map not showing I have all others including cragitead. And im already re-enter the cragitead again. And i’v cheak one by one on Can anyone help me?

Basicly, bluestones list is what you need.

I asume you have full mapcompletion on all area’s, if not, get that first. If you have checked the blöuestone list atleats 3 times (and not leaving anything out cause you asume you got it, like e.g. houlbrak) you can do the alternative method:

1: go to the wiki and look up the page for each shiverpeak map (dont forget houlbrak).
2: eliminate all maps that have explorable things in it (like hearts or poi’s)
3: visit everything else
4: keep repeating this.

If you followed both methods many many times you can file a support ticket and you might be bugged. But as far as I have encountered, the response has always been the very gently response that they can’t help you. this means you really are making a user error. But again, you can be bugged, so if you tried everything, do file a ticket!)

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Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JBDanger.2603


try arudon vale in frostgorge sound, theres a small cave with a ooze champ in the southeast corner of the map. My achievement popped when i went in there. I had the same issue as you and this is where i needed to go.

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

try arudon vale in frostgorge sound, theres a small cave with a ooze champ in the southeast corner of the map. My achievement popped when i went in there. I had the same issue as you and this is where i needed to go.

That is a mini dungeon, the op stated he did all jumping puzzles and minidungeons.

I think the issue here is that the OP doesnt need advice on where it popped for you, He has put a lot of effort in it and given the things he has shared he should have the reward. So either he forgot a thing that he thinks he has allready and isnt that difficult or he is bugged. therefor my advice to check, double check, and triple check all methods and most of all not only check the ‘most missed’ parts but also the things you might think you have. If that all has been tripple checked without mistakes im confident the op is bugged and needs support.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arius.5018


Just wanted to say thanks! My last two I needed were Griffonhook Run and Doldenvan Passage!

Hi, I had exactly the same problem, I was stuck at 174, I had 100% showing for all areas (poi, waypoints etc) and had done every jumping puzzle and also the mini dungeon bits. It turned out I was missing 2 areas that have no poi’s or anything in them. The 2 I didn’t have were:
Wayfarers Foothills, Doldenvan Passage which is to the right of Hangrammr climb, you get there by going south from Darkriven waypoint.
And Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Betrayal grounds which is in the bottom right hand side between Spearhead bane and Black Earth Coalmine.
Not sure if this will be helpful but I missed them, I had to compare my screen to maps to figure this out, it took a while.
Good luck