Should I get a legendary for my engineer?
I honestly would go for the incinerator, i think that other daggers look better. id go for a engineer legendary.
The whole point of Legendaries is to show it off and have the cool special effects. If you won’t see it as often on your Engineer don’t go for the “The Predator” which imo is one of the plainer Legendaries. Theres no other class that can really utilize the Rifle that well either. I’m not a big fan of the “Incinerator”, but all that matters is that you like it. If you ever use the Sword on your Thief you can go “Bolt” which is my personal favorite. More transferable than daggers/rifles on other professions.
I like teh shinies. Incinerator and Sunrise (soon to be Eternity). I think engi is one of the only classes that legendary would not be best on. I don’t have an engi but I can say most of the legendaries for engi aren’t rly worth it. warriors can use Rifle but most times bow>rifle, wars and guard can use shield but again rarely needed (I don’t use it at all now). I never really liked Bolt’s effects or care much for it, wars only need it for mobility.. but I know its very popular among mesmer/thief. I like Incinerator because it looks great, and I almost always use it on ele. If you do want to get a legendary for engi, go for the weapon you use most often.
(edited by nagr.1593)
The Predator ends up looking silly on an engineer even if it weren’t getting hidden most of the time by kits. It’s a sniper rifle but engineers hold their rifles like it’s a shotgun.
The Predator looks great, and looks even better when skinned over an Ascalonian rifle.
Problem is that Hobosacks don’t look great and that p/s is usually a better choice.
The only sign that you’ll have a legendary is when grenade barrage is used or when swapping to rifle for 3 and 5. Aura stacking can also be done which will persist even when using kits (grab that infinite watchknight tonic if you don’t have one before the current living story ends).
You’re probably investing more in the aura than the weapon itself. So if you like the aura and the grenade barrage effect then it may be worth getting.
Perhaps one day ANet will actually do something about engineers and our Hobosack/legendary problem.
I’d go for the incinerator, personally, as more of your characters can use it and you’ll have more “uptime”. But, if Engi is your main to the extent that the others don’t get much playtime, just because you can show off your dagger on all of them won’t make a difference so you may as well just go with the predator.
I prefer the look of the predator, but I agree that with Engi you wouldn’t see it much. Still, depends on just how special your Engi is compared with your other characters.
Thanks for all of the responses! My engi is particularly special to me and is the best put together of all of my characters, but his playstyle is not quite as enjoyable as some of the others (grenades, while powerful, are kind of boring to me). I think at this point I’ll continue working on the non-weapon-specific gifts and see if my guild will help me determine whether or not my thief’s build is viable for dungeon play. If I can dungeon with my thief, I’ll go with the Incinerator. If not, I’ll probably make the Predator first.
Thanks again everyone!
So your choice is between your main who would rarely see it because he uses kits and an Alt who would rarely see it because you don’t play him a lot?
My thought is the Dagger if you can use it among other alts that you play because it WILL be seen and used more so than the weapon you barley use.
I am dreaming to have a new engineer weapon elite kit
It is a weapon enhance kit depends on your main hand weapon, so if you are using rifle, it will turn out to be a rifle based skills, pistol main hand get pistol skill, harpoon gun get harpoon gun skill etc.
The back pack may change but will keep your weapon…. so it will be good with legendary….
Oh, what am i saying?