Should I install Windows 10?
I’d wait for a week or two. bound to be a few launchday bugs in the first week or so to iron out.
I am totally holding off on windows 10 until I’m sure everything I use will be compatible, and there are no bugs I’ll have to call my brother to find out how to fix lol
I remember the Great Windows 8 Sea Of Tears only too well…every time I revisit the disaster zone that used to be my Gamehouse account, the sad strains of ‘Hope Falls’ plays in my head lol
stick with 7. Or even better, make the move to Linux.
Since Windows 10, in GREAT measure is a “reversion” (with updates) to Win 7, you “should” have no difficulty updating it. This game does NOT rely heavily on the OS, it DOES rely on the Graphics Card, the HD, and the memory. The OS exists to tell the PC what’s what (hardware). Game software is another (completely different) can of worms!!
I’m set to upgrade on 7/29. People have been running GW2 on the RC without issues it should be fine.
stick with 7. Or even better, make the move to Linux.
The 1970’s called.. they want their 8-track and LINUX back..