Should I salvage Greens?
Decide if your need for the magic find and/or crafting materials gained is greater than your need for the silver/copper you’ll get for it on the TP or from a merchant.
That’s a decision you’ll have to make for yourself.
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.
What’s better for you? Coin from vending or selling at the TP or mats, runes/sigils and luck? And you can still sell the mats and rune/sigil on the TP or vend them.
RIP City of Heroes
Depends on what your goals are. My goal is to get 150% MF (without guild/food buff). This way i can up my MF on every character to 200% with buffs and food. After that i’ll sell all greens and salvage the blues. I’ll slowly get more MF and get the money of the greens to buy nice stuff.
But everyone has a different goal so it’s pretty much a personal decision.
yes on non class specific . if it is class specific check it against your current gear and if its superior weigh whether or not its worth the swap if not then it goes in the salvage pile too .
I wouldn’t bother if it is your first character and you are levelling and need money for gear. At 80 I would salvage, the higher level greens can give ori and other mats which will typically sell for more than the green, and you get the essences of luck.
I check the TP and anything worth under around 1.5 silver I salvage. Sometimes under 1 silver. I often get materials worth more than the item would have sold for, and have my magic find up to 42%, not bad given that I started 2 weeks ago.
Whatever you do, make some Mystic Salvage kits. They cost a little bit up front, but they are worth it.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Yes no maybe?
just pick 1.. cant go wrong with greens, they’re only worth a silver or two tops so doesn’t really matter what you do with them. It doesn’t make sense to check the TP prices for them either (waste of time). If you decide to sell them just vendor instead of posting them on the TP. Personally I just salvage all blues/greens since MF% is more important to me than a couple silver. but in the end, its your choice.
(edited by nagr.1593)
The good old magic find debate is very old. I personally think that for level 75-80 greens and blues the amount off money lost isn’t worth the amount of magic find gained. Specially cause I get my magic find up in a slower pace.
I got 9 characters. 4 level 80’s and 5 leveling characters. The characters I’m leveling all salvage the greens and blues for magic find. The level 80’s sell it all. This way I have a steady increase of magic find without loosing too much off my current income off gold.
Someone calculated that it costs bout 3500 gold to max MF if you buy the salvagable items (including profit from the leftovers. This also means you waste roughly the same amount when you salvage your drops. It will take a lot off time to make that amount off profit out of the 300% MF.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Check the price on TP → if high enough (= at least twice as the NPC sell price, but that really depends on you) , sell it → if not, salvage it.
Do not waste money by selling it to NPCs, only if you desperately need to empty your bag.
Aurora Glade
Er can’t believe no one mention this: throw 4 of them at the Mystic Forge and hope for a Rare then salvage the rare. This is the only RNG crap i allow myself, when you get 3 ectos out of this dual lottery it does compensate the times it doesn’ go so well, plus in my opinion it does beat the roughly 6silver guarenteed if you don’t gamble.
Sometimes if i have odd number of greens i’ll go TP buy 1 or 2 just to complete another slot machi… er mystic forge transmutation.
There’s only about a 9% chance of getting 3 ectos from a rare with a master/mystic kit and about a 35% chance of getting 0 ectos. While the average is around 0.9 counting on ectos from limited salvage is a crap shoot at best.
So you take 16 green armor/weapon/trinket and on “average” you will get a rare that on average yield 0.9 ectos that have been hovering around 31s each, an 80% chance of a rune/sigil (assuming the rare has one) that sells for 4s/1.5s each and a hand full of mats with way too much T5 leather and cloth scraps.
Do you feel lucky?
RIP City of Heroes
I… just… ouch… not really min/maxing anything here mate. I do get a sense of getting more out of it and even if mathmatically and spreadsheetly i’ts not The most efficient wagy, there’s still some excitment to be had in the gamble.
Although something you have to crunch in mr. Mathmagician is that i’m salvaging rares with black lion for a while now and i still have a few till i run out, but no reason to invest in gems for this.
Still 0.9 ecto per rare is pretty ok. What’s the odds on the 4 greens for a rare in the mystic forge?
20% is the average up convert rate. If you miss you simply get another green. Miss four times and you get a 5th chance, thus 16 for 1 on average. I’ve been doing a lot of green up-converting for coin and that 20% is pretty much spot on.
And BL salvage kits are around 1.25 ectos per rare. But unless you get them for free they aren’t worth the coin to gem to get them for rare salvaging. I only use them for rune/sigil extraction when it’s a pricey exotic rune/sigil on an exotic item.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)