Sigil Questions

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ragion.2831


Will equipping two sigils of blood (main hand and offhand) stack ? Sigil of blood steals health on crit 30 of the time. will using 2 change it to 60%?

When using sigil of demon summoning, will the stacks reset after the 26th stack?

When using sigil of restoration, will I gain double the hp on each kill when using two of them (main hand and off hand)

Will superior sigil of leeching on both main hand and off hand give double hp after swap and hit?

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

almost all sigil’s only work when actually using the weapon it is one. except the thief, wich I explain later, it means that for mainhand weapon it only works when using skill 1,2 or 3 and for offhand it only works when using 4 and 5.

Thief skill number 3 can be a skill that uses both weapons. but it counts/hit. So e.g. skill 3 hits 3 times, main/off/main, so the two hits with the mainhand weapon will use the sigil on the mainhand and the one hit of the offhand will use the offhand sigil.

If you think about it actually makes sense, you only get the sigil effect when you use the weapon it is on.

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Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


@mercury: that is wrong, you can proc offhand sigils with mainhand and mainhand sigil with offhand just fine.

using 2 similar sigils will only be able to stack the % chance however in your case blood procs 30% of the times you crit, so adding a second blood would give you a 30*1.30 = 39% chance to proc.

stacking sigils would however add 2 stacks per kill instead of 1 if you use 2 of them.

sigils with cd will always share the cd so if one have a 1sec cd and the other have a 5sec cd, and the one with 5sec cd proc then BOTH of them will go on a 5second cd for example

wiki site here

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LetheLuxuria.2641


Hello there, I got a question in regards to this now.

I read the wiki and understood a lot, which means I have been hindering myself by using Sigil of Rage huh, haha. 45 seconds cooldown…

However I am not sure about the Permanent Boosts.

We now know that Cooldowns are cross-weapons (45 secs of cooldown for BOTH weapon sets when triggered), but what about Boosts? I.E. If I had a Sigil of Accuracy on my Hammer, will my Greatsword benefit from the 5% Critical boost?

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: valemiroqi.4309


No. Sigils are only for the weapon currently equipped. The exception is sigils that stack (IE Sigil Of Corruption) in that case the stacks stay when you swap away from it, but you wont gain stacks if you get a kill with a different weapon. At least that’s how I’ve noticed it works.

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Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ragion.2831


I forgot to clarify some things. Yes i understand the sigil will only work when the weapon it is on is active and yes i understand using 2 of the same sigils will share the same cooldown. What im asking is if having 2 superior blood sigils active at the same time will raise the proc rate from 30-60%. Gummi bear you are saying it doesnt go to 60% but 39%?? how? where did the factor come from?

The third question about sigil of leeching, if 2 are on off hand and main hand, will the hp gotten from swapping to them and hitting be doubled?

(edited by Ragion.2831)

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Solandri.9640


I forgot to clarify some things. Yes i understand the sigil will only work when the weapon it is on is active and yes i understand using 2 of the same sigils will share the same cooldown.

Even two different sigils will share the same cooldown. Basically, there’s one cooldown timer. If a sigil procs, the cooldown timer starts using the cooldown of that sigil. So if you’ve got a 5 sec CD sigil and a 30 sec CD sigil, when the 5 sec sigil procs you get a 5 sec CD. When the 30 sec sigil procs you get a 30 sec CD. Neither sigil is allowed to proc while the CD timer is ticking.

What im asking is if having 2 superior blood sigils active at the same time will raise the proc rate from 30-60%.

I really doubt they add, since the only way that would make sense would be if both sigils could proc simultaneously (which would violate the single CD rule above).

More likely it works like this: You swing weapon. Check if first sigil procs. If it does, the CD timer is started and so suppresses the second sigil. If it doesn’t proc, check if second sigil procs. That would be the most straightforward way to code it.

So if you’ve got two of the same 30% sigils, the chance of the sigil not procing is: (1-30%)x(1-30%) = 49%. So the two 30% sigils stack to give you a 51% chance to proc.

Or perhaps a more intuitive way to think of it is the first sigil has a 30% chance to proc. The 70% of the time when it doesn’t proc, the second sigil has a 30% chance to proc. So the chance of both to proc is 30% + (70% x 30%) = 30% + 21% = 51%. If you’ve got two different 30% sigils, the sigil on the main weapon has a 30% chance while the sigil on the off-hand weapon has a 21% chance.

That’s how I interpret the Notes section of the wiki.

The third question about sigil of leeching, if 2 are on off hand and main hand, will the hp gotten from swapping to them and hitting be doubled?

No idea.

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


@Ragion in the example with 30%, im taking 30% of the original 30 (ie 9 and adds that to the proc chance). yes the way i wrote the calculation was a bit of a shortcut, in fact the full formula would be: 30+(30*30/100)=39% (the numbers in the parentheses being the actual percentage calculation, and the 30 outside being to add it to the original 30%, the parentheses in the calculation is strictly speaking not needed actually, but helps making it a bit easier to understand i think)

@Solandri: the math you are coming up with there makes no sense to me how you gotten to that exact calculation

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Solandri.9640


@Ragion in the example with 30%, im taking 30% of the original 30 (ie 9 and adds that to the proc chance). yes the way i wrote the calculation was a bit of a shortcut, in fact the full formula would be: 30+(30*30/100)=39% (the numbers in the parentheses being the actual percentage calculation, and the 30 outside being to add it to the original 30%, the parentheses in the calculation is strictly speaking not needed actually, but helps making it a bit easier to understand i think)

You’re using the wrong probability for your second calc. You have 30% chance for the first sigil to proc. Then you’re using the time the first sigil procs to limit the second sigil procing (30%*30%). The extra 9% you’ve calculated is basically the chance for the second sigil to proc any time the first sigil procs, if both were allowed to proc simultaneously.

That’s not what you want. You want to use the time the first sigil doesn’t proc in the second calc. (70%*30%).

So you end up with 30% + (70%*30%) = 30% + 21% = 51% which is what I got.

Or in English:

30% of the time the first sigil procs
70% of the time the first sigil doesn’t proc
- When the first sigil doesn’t proc, the second sigil procs 30% of the time
- When the first sigil doesn’t proc, the second sigil doesn’t proc 70% of the time

Which in overall numbers is:

30% of the time the first sigil procs
During the 70% the first sigil doesn’t proc
- 70% * 30% = 21% of the time the second sigil procs
- 70% * 70% = 49% of the time the second sigil doesn’t proc

So 30% first sigil procs, 21% second sigil procs, 49% neither sigil procs.

(edited by Solandri.9640)

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


2 of the same sigil on on/off hand will make that sigil’s effect be more likely to happen (Solandri’s explanation looks like the most sense to me), but they share the same cool down timer.

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ragion.2831


thanks for the answers guys

Sigil Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

If main-hand and off-hand both have sigil of force (+5% dmg) do you get total +10% damage?