Sigils: List and Guidance

Sigils: List and Guidance

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asum.4960


  • Permanent stat bonus Sigils:
    Info: Stat bonus Sigils increase the effectiveness for the skills associated with the weapon the Sigil is on, without further requirement.
    Dual Wielding: Two Stat Bonus Sigils have the same effect as one, but on all Weapon skills. Using only one Sigil gives the bonus only to the skills relatet to the weapon the Sigil is on (1-3 for the main hand, 4-5 for the offhand).
    List of the Sigils:
    - Sigil of Accuracy [increases critical chance by 1% / 3% / 5%]
    - Sigil of Force [increases damage by 1% / 3% / 5%]
  • Stacking Sigils:
    Info: Stacking Sigils give a “stack” on killing a foe, which increases a stat by a certain amount until you get downed or log off. Caps at 25 stacks.
    Dual Wielding: Stacking Sigils stack if they are identical (giving two stacks on kill), different Stacking Sigils don’t stack and the main hand Sigil gets a stack.
    List of the Sigils:
    - Sigil of Bloodlust [+ 5 / 7 / 10 power per stack]
    - Sigil of Corruption [+ 5 / 7 / 10 condition damage per stack]
    - Sigil of Life [+ 7 / 10 healing per stack]
    - Sigil of Luck [+ 0.2% / 0.4% / 0.6% magic find per stack]
    - Sigil of Perception [+ 7 / 10 precision per stack]
  • Condition Duration Sigils:
    Info: Condition Duration Sigils increase the duration of a certain condition type applied by your character.
    Dual Wielding: Condition Duration Sigils stack additively.
    List of the Sigils:
    - Sigil of Agony [increases bleed duration by 5% / 7% / 10%]
    - Sigil of Chilling [increases frozen duration by 5% / 10% / 20%]
    - Sigil of Debility [increases weakness duration by 5% / 7% / 10%]
    - Sigil of Hobbling [increases cripple duration by 5% / 7% / 10%]
    - Sigil of Paralyzation [increases stun duration by 5% / 7% / 10%]
    - Sigil of Peril [increases vulnerability duration by 5% / 7% / 10%]
    - Sigil of Smoldering [increases burning duration by 5% / 7% / 10%]
    - Sigil of Venom [increases poison duration by 5% / 7% / 10%]
  • Damage versus foe Sigils:
    Info: Damage versus foe Sigils increase the damage done to a specific type of enemy (or enemies under a specific effect).
    Dual Wielding: Two Damage versus foe Sigils have the same effect as one, but on all Weapon skills. Using only one Sigil gives the bonus only to the skills relatet to the weapon the Sigil is on (1-3 for the main hand, 4-5 for the offhand).
    List of the Sigils:
    - Sigil of Centaur Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Centaurs]
    - Sigil of Destroyer Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Destroyer]
    - Sigil of Demon Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Elementals]
    - Sigil of Elemental Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Elementals]
    - Sigil of Icebrood Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Icebrood]
    - Sigil of Impact [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs stunned or knocked down foes]
    - Sigil of Justice [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Outlaws]
    - Sigil of Ogre Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Ogres]
    - Sigil of Grawl Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Grawl]
    - Sigil of Ghost Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Ghosts]
    - Sigil of Dreams [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Nightmare Court]
    - Sigil of Sorrow [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Dredge]
    - Sigil of Seeking [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Inquest]
    - Sigil of Serpent Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Krait]
    - Sigil of Smothering [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Flame Legion]
    - Sigil of Undead Slaying [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Undead]
    - Sigil of Wrath [+ 3% / 5% / 10% damage vs Sons of Svanir]

(edited by Asum.4960)

Sigils: List and Guidance

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asum.4960


  • On kill Sigils:
    Info: On kill Sigils activate on killing a foe for a special effect.
    Dual Wielding: On kill Sigils don’t stack.
    List of the Sigils:
    - Sigil of Stamina [endurance is refilled on kill]
    - Sigil of Restoration [heals on kill]
    - Sigil of Speed [gain Swiftness for 5 / 7 / 10 seconds on kill]
  • Charging Sigils:
    Info: Charging Sigils gain charges on kill, activating a special effect on reaching 26 charges, loosing all charges on activation or when downed.
    Dual Wielding: Charging Sigils stack if they are identical (giving 2 charges), different Charging Sigils don’t stack and the main hand Sigil gains the charge.
    List of the Sigils:
    - Sigil of Conjuration [invulnerability for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds]
    - Sigil of Sanctuary [invulnerability for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds]
    - Sigil of Demon Summoning [summon a fleshreaver. ]
  • On critical hit Sigils:
    Info: On crit Sigils have a chance to activate a special effect on critical strikes.
    Dual Wielding: On crit Sigils stack multiplicatively in chance.
    List of the Sigils:
    - Sigil of Air [10% / 20% / 30% chance to cause a lightning strike ; 5 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Blood [10% / 20% / 30% chance to steal life ; 2 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Earth [30% / 45% / 60% chance to do a 3 / 4 / 5 seconds to cause bleed]
    - Sigil of Fire [10% / 20% / 30% chance to cause flame blast (AoE) ; 5 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Frailty [10% / 20% / 30% chance to cause vulnerability for 10 seconds]
    - Sigil of Ice [10% / 20% / 30% chance to cause a 2 seconds freeze ; 10 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Strength [10% / 20% / 30% chance to apply might for 5 / 7 / 10 seconds]
    - Sigil of Purity [60% chance to remove a condition ; 10 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Nullification [60% chance to remove a boon ; 10 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Rage [10% chance to gain quickness for 1 / 2 / 3 seconds ; 45 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Water [10% / 30% / 30% chance to Heal nearby allies ; 10 sec CD]
  • On weapon swap Sigils:
    Info: Weapon swap Sigils activate on swapping weapons in combat for a special effect.
    Dual Wielding: Weapon Swap Sigils don’t stack. If two different Weapon swap Sigils are used, only the Sigil on the offhand weapon will trigger.
    List of the Sigils:
    - Sigil of Intelligence [100 % critchance on next attack ; 9 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Battle [gain 2 / 3 stacks of might for 20 seconds ; 9 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Doom [apply poison for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds on next attack ; 9 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Energy [gain 10% / 25% / 50% endurance ; 9 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Geomancy [apply bleed to nearby foes for 3 / 5 / 7 seconds ; 9 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Hydromancy [freeze nearby foes for 1 / 2 / 3 seconds ; 9 sec CD]
    - Sigil of Leeching [steal health on next attack ; 9 sec CD]
  • Additional Information:
    - Charging and Stacking Sigils can be used together.
    - On crit Sigils proc on all skills, no matter on which weapon the Sigil is.
    - Proc Sigils share Cool Downs (Crit Sigils and Weapon swap Sigils), even if they don’t have one.

For feedback and corrections please send me a PM.

(edited by Asum.4960)

Sigils: List and Guidance

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asum.4960


- Placeholder -

Sigils: List and Guidance

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


See here for an explanation about why I believe you’re mistaken on the +5 % damage sigils at least. The +critical chance sigils likely function the same way, but aren’t as simple to test.

Sigils: List and Guidance

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


thanks for all this work! sigils can be quite confusing.
here’s a quick question on the stackign sigils – you mentioned that in dual wielding, the MH sigil takes precedence. so i assume this is also the case for weapon sets as well? i.e. for e.g.’s sake, i have 3 on stack sigils. first weapon set MH, first weapon set OH and then second weapon set 2H. will only the sigil on the first MH stack?

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Sigils: List and Guidance

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025 has had this for a while.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Sigils: List and Guidance

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asum.4960


thanks for all this work! sigils can be quite confusing.
here’s a quick question on the stackign sigils – you mentioned that in dual wielding, the MH sigil takes precedence. so i assume this is also the case for weapon sets as well? i.e. for e.g.’s sake, i have 3 on stack sigils. first weapon set MH, first weapon set OH and then second weapon set 2H. will only the sigil on the first MH stack?

Thanks that you appreciate it.
Stacking and charging Sigils are quite tricky, i agree.
In the situation you are describing, still the main hand of the first active weapon set gets the stacks. The second weapon set doesn’t count in stats or sigils, until you switch to it.
If stacks of one Sigil are already active, no other stacking Sigil will count unless you get downed or log out to remove the old, different stacks.

If all 3 Stack Sigils on your weapons are the same, you will get 2 stacks while your dual wield weapon set is active per kill, and 1 stack for your two handed weapon when it’s active, which will still cap at 25 stacks.

Sigils: List and Guidance

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Husk.3764


I am not sure I understood. If I have 1st weapon as long bow with sigil of demon summoning and a 2nd weapon greatsword without any sigil or a different one, do I still get stacks of demon summoning even when I kill using the great sword?
