Skillpoint near Twilight Arbor - Tips anyone?

Skillpoint near Twilight Arbor - Tips anyone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Died 10 times now with my engineer and gave up – problem is: Someone started the skillpoint quest so you have the 2 bosses + extras there + the mortars + 3 groups of nightmare guys รก 2 people + 1 or two dogs + incredibly short respawn times.

How is a medium armor, low damage guy supposed to solo this under these conditions?

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

(edited by HtFde.3856)

Skillpoint near Twilight Arbor - Tips anyone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


Sometimes there are just things that aren’t ideal to solo. I would say ask in map chat for help. Or leave off and come back later to try to finish it.

Funny enough, if you tag the boss for a decent amount of damage then run away but stay in map and someone else ends up killing the boss later, you could actually end up earning that skill point.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Skillpoint near Twilight Arbor - Tips anyone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Nods – I’ve been a bad boy with this strategy in events sometimes. Problem so far is that Orr and Fractals seem to de-populate the starter levels. So I happen to run my level 34 twink Engi in a zone where almost noone is atm (I ran through an almost empty Metrica, Norn Starter, etc. the day before).

Fortunately the skillpoint is REALLY close to the dungeon entrance so maybe I’ll find someone later in the evening to help along or can convince a few guildies to lend a hand.

Since the game is supposed to be solo-able, however, I was asking for some tips I may have missed.

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Skillpoint near Twilight Arbor - Tips anyone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cpg.7140


What skills/weapons/kits do you have available? If you can kite the enemies one at a time and then use mines/battering ram to control them you might get away with it solo.

[TAS] – The Asuran Squad
Devona’s Rest

Skillpoint near Twilight Arbor - Tips anyone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vick.6805


Unlike other veterans, most of the skill point mobs do not regenerate health, even if you leave combat with them.

If the main mob spawns minions, they may reset, so I suggest taking them out first, then running away to heal up and wait for cooldowns (if needed). Then, when you’re fresh, run back and hit the main mob. If you get down to uncomfortably low HP, run out of combat again, rinse and repeat.

The mobs’ HP not resetting seems to be intentional on ANet’s part, so that everyone has the possibility of soloing content, even if that wasn’t what they were hoping people would do.

Good luck!

EDIT: There isn’t much you can do about the local mobs respawning insanely fast. You may have to take them down every time you run back in to give yourself some time with the skill point mobs. As an Engineer, place your turrets far enough from the enemies that you can pull them in controllable groups. Sometimes you can pull the skill point mobs pretty far from the skill point locale.

(edited by Vick.6805)

Skillpoint near Twilight Arbor - Tips anyone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leablo.2651


If the main mob spawns minions, they may reset, so I suggest taking them out first, then running away to heal up and wait for cooldowns (if needed). Then, when you’re fresh, run back and hit the main mob. If you get down to uncomfortably low HP, run out of combat again, rinse and repeat.

^ Do that. It is possible to avoid local mobs by pulling the boss around the wall and fight them near the shallow drop-off into the swamp water (this also gives you a quick escape if you need it). You can also get back up from here (it’s tricky but reliable once you find the right jumps) and avoid having to fight any other mobs again. Also handy to equip Elixir… uh… the one with the speed boost in situations like this so you can get away easily. I recommend that you only use short-range turrets for this encounter as the others are liable to pull the wrong mobs.

Skillpoint near Twilight Arbor - Tips anyone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HtFde.3856


I managed to get the guy done by NOT going from the dungeon waypoint (too many patrols/enemies) but by coming from the other waypoint from the north. Coming that way you have only one wolf to fight and then you just have the boss + extras + two mortars which increases survivability to NO end.

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)