Skritt Shinies!!! Yessssss!!!
Small bags are in lvl 15 to 25 maps, so I’d start by looking for hostile skritt in those areas.
Yarr! I be keeping me pirate runes, Matey. Yarr! You’re welcome. Yarr!
Yes, I know where they should spawn, so that would basically mean Brisban Wildlands as I don’t think Skritt appear anywhere else but Magumma. The problem though is that aren’t all the Skritt in the central city friendly? Or is there something that turns them hostile you can trigger?
Skritt are everywhere. I dont spesifically recall any hostile lvl 15-25 skritt, or maybe there isnt, but look outside maguma. Maybe there is maps without skritt, but there is skritt in ascalon, shiverpeaks and tyria too.
Good Luck
Are you looking for them to sell or open?
If to sell, buy orders are closer to 8 silver. It’s not likely many sell orders of 60-70 silver are going through. It would seem to me that the time it would take to get these would be time better spent getting items that drop more frequently. Poultry meat for example. It’s currently selling for about 7 silver and that one is easy to farm.
If you are looking to open them aren’t all the small bags pretty much the same? They give an assortment of low level drops that don’t sell for very much. But if you are looking to open I would think you are better off farming ones that drop more.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
Are you looking for them to sell or open
I’m on a quest to open at least 100 of every bag in the game (so better-use-of-my-time arguments are not an issue). The crazy ~64s price for these bags mean that buy orders are probably never going to get filled (and I did have one out for a week and received nothing) so I will have to farm them.
Ah. Well good luck then in finding hostile Skritt of that level. One assumes Brisbane is the spot to go. I don’t recall seeing hostile Skritt there though but I don’t remember seeing any Skritt at all on the other maps of that level so that kind of narrows it down.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
Skritt in Brisbane are not aggressive. All of them are not aggressive.
Your best bet is Icedevil’s Waypoint in Lornar’s Pass. There’s skritt mining tunnels across the area and they should be able to drop the bags you seek.
They must be a skritt burglar item. I checked icedevil WP, they drop light bags of skritt shinies. Try doing skritt burglar events in lvl 15 – 25 maps.
Yarr! I be keeping me pirate runes, Matey. Yarr! You’re welcome. Yarr!
Skritt in Brisbane are not aggressive. All of them are not aggressive.
Your best bet is Icedevil’s Waypoint in Lornar’s Pass. There’s skritt mining tunnels across the area and they should be able to drop the bags you seek.
I doubt they drop from this area, for 2 reasons
The small bags appear to be from level 15 to 25 areas. Lornar’s is a level 25 to 40 area. From what wiki says, the Skritt at level 28 drop light bags (help defend the mining camp from skritt) The second reason I doubt they drop from that area is because there are so few in the trading post. If they regularly dropped anywhere then there wouldn’t be so few available.
From the lack of info on the wiki and the fact there doesn’t seem to be hostile skritt right now at those levels, I wonder if those wouldn’t drop only in cases of upscaled low-level events? In which case you might be out of luck.
From the lack of info on the wiki and the fact there doesn’t seem to be hostile skritt right now at those levels, I wonder if those wouldn’t drop only in cases of upscaled low-level events? In which case you might be out of luck.
Is there a known minimum of players that have to be present to upscale an event? It could be a fun guild challenge.
I don’t think the upscaled events generate more than a few levels higher (just much larger numbers).
EDIT: I’m assuming you are aware the Wiki entry on this item is empty. This speaks volumes about the rarity of the item. It may be that they are VERY rarely dropped via an upleveled event or particular hostile encounter (Veteran / Boss) in a remote area (Brisbane DOES fit that bill).
What level are the highest level Skritt in Caledon and Metrica? Maybe they are just VERY VERY rare drops from those mobs?
EDIT AGAIN: I’m guessing THIS may be the source of these?
I’ve run into this event a few times while clearing Brisbane and I recall the PitA it is to kill this guy but I do NOT recall what he drops along his path or if he actually drops an loot when you do take him down…..* shrug *
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Possibly it’s the Skritt burglar. The bags are not a listed drop but maybe it’s a rare one and not recorded. If so that would explain why there are so few of these bags in the trading post if it’s a rare drop from an event from a 15 to 25 zone only.
Experience, Karma, and Coin rewards vary depending on the level of the event.
Drops up to three small loot bag, each containing a random weapon or piece of armor with Fine rarity or above.
Drops a large loot bag containing three random weapons or pieces of armor with Fine rarity or above upon defeating Skritt Burglar.
Could it be from a personal story?
I have not tried them all, but somehow it feels like I’ve read about those bags before somewhere, mentioned along with a personal story chapter.
EDIT: I’m assuming you are aware the Wiki entry on this item is empty. This speaks volumes about the rarity of the item.
Assumptions are dangerous, but in this case, it’s correct. One of my sub-goals for this task is to help bring the wiki more up-to-date on things. It’s very surprising how incomplete some sections still are after 2 years.
The Skritt Burglar may be the only option, I’ll have to try to see what happens. When the wiki refers to the Burglar dropping `bags` I think these are the ones that show up on the ground like the world boss chests/bonus chests from regular monsters, and are not bags that appear in your inventory.
Possibly there is also an event that makes the Skritt in Skrittsburg hostile? I know an event occurs where the Skritt King comes under attack, and if you fail, the entrances get sealed up, so would this also add hostile Skritt to the area, or not?
No, you’ll just get new events around Skrittsburg to unlock it, the skritt themselves remain friendly afaik.
the fact that it’s listed under “Miscellaneous” instead of “Tier 1-2” or “Tier 2” leads me to believe it’s a special bag that doesn’t fit into normal bag drop schemes. The skritt burglar might fit this.
you could try placing buy orders for ~20s. the drastic uppercutting might encourage people to sell theirs or find a way to farm it.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
Could these have been from drops from Skritt killed in the Tixx’s Infinirarium? That was for all levels.'s_Infinirarium
That also would explain why they’re not many of these on the TP.
If you look on spidy you can see that is not an “exclusive” drop from the Skritt Burglar nor Tixx’s Infinirarium. There were people buying and selling these over a month before the Skritt Burglar was added to the game and Wintersday came even later than that.
People in the appropriate level range killing skritts in WvW seems more likely.
Does anyone know if the skritt in this event drop any loot? I recall fighting them, but I didn’t look out for loot at the time.
Does anyone know if the skritt in this event drop any loot? I recall fighting them, but I didn’t look out for loot at the time.
That seems like the best candidate so far. Anyone doing this should keep an eye out.
I bumped the buy prices up to 10s yesterday for science. I’m at work atm, but looking at spidy, 26 of these might of gone through around 6 am (pacific).
edit: on second look, looks like I was actually outbid at the same time the buy order demand went down. probably more likely someone removed their old bid and put a new smaller one 1c above mine.
Eggman, looks like this might not get researched
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
(edited by Mystic.5934)
The Hillstead skritt are never really fought. You fight Nightmare court.
The idea of it being a personal story drop seems to be possible however, though I don’t remember ever fighting a skritt in that level range.
Edit: Now that I think about it, there are level 15 ish resources near the skritt camps in the northwestern side of World vs World borderlands. While the area as a whole is level 80, aside from upscaled level 15s who will almost definitely get the bags in question, there may be a small chance even for higher level characters to get those.
[Shinigami, NEC, WvW Condinuke] [Rekka, ELE, Fracs] [Tora, PS WAR] [Kageoni, THI] [Hayako, ENG]
(edited by Hayashi.3416)
edit: on second look, looks like I was actually outbid at the same time the buy order demand went down. probably more likely someone removed their old bid and put a new smaller one 1c above mine.
Eggman, looks like this might not get researched
Well, that’s a bummer.
Edit: Now that I think about it, there are level 15 ish resources near the skritt camps in the northwestern side of World vs World borderlands. While the area as a whole is level 80, aside from upscaled level 15s who will almost definitely get the bags in question, there may be a small chance even for higher level characters to get those.
Wait, so anybody in WvW only gets loot based on their base character level? That’s interesting. I think I knew already that this would apply to getting armor and weapon drops but didn’t think it applied to getting a non-champ bag.
I’d test this out now but I don’t have any character slots free to make a new level 15 – 20 character. Anyone else able to try this? The downside is that the drop rate on the bags from those Skritt for my level 80s is rubbish- like 1 bag per 10 kills. I’ve already been there trying to collect the Heavy Bags of Skritt Shinies.
This Wiki link has some locations for Skritt that might be useful for those bags:
You probably want to be looking for the forager types.
I also found this very interesting article regarding the Skritt:
(edited by Aerinndis.2730)
Are you looking for them to sell or open
I’m on a quest to open at least 100 of every bag in the game (so better-use-of-my-time arguments are not an issue). The crazy ~64s price for these bags mean that buy orders are probably never going to get filled (and I did have one out for a week and received nothing) so I will have to farm them.
A worthy enough goal. If you want statistically significant results on drop rates, though, you’ll probably need 10-20 times that number. Unless this is just for your own personal edification.
edit: on second look, looks like I was actually outbid at the same time the buy order demand went down. probably more likely someone removed their old bid and put a new smaller one 1c above mine.
Eggman, looks like this might not get researchedWell, that’s a bummer.
Edit: Now that I think about it, there are level 15 ish resources near the skritt camps in the northwestern side of World vs World borderlands. While the area as a whole is level 80, aside from upscaled level 15s who will almost definitely get the bags in question, there may be a small chance even for higher level characters to get those.
Wait, so anybody in WvW only gets loot based on their base character level? That’s interesting. I think I knew already that this would apply to getting armor and weapon drops but didn’t think it applied to getting a non-champ bag.
I’d test this out now but I don’t have any character slots free to make a new level 15 – 20 character. Anyone else able to try this? The downside is that the drop rate on the bags from those Skritt for my level 80s is rubbish- like 1 bag per 10 kills. I’ve already been there trying to collect the Heavy Bags of Skritt Shinies.
I’m leveling up my key farmer to check on wvw skritt, unless someone else can get there first. curiosity too strong!
Yarr! I be keeping me pirate runes, Matey. Yarr! You’re welcome. Yarr!
If you want statistically significant results on drop rates, though, you’ll probably need 10-20 times that number. Unless this is just for your own personal edification.
Yes and no… to be really accurate, you do need 1000+ as you point out, but just to get a “good enough” idea of the expected value you only need to be in the hundreds. When you have 100 of everything you get a good baseline of what warrants going up to 1000, and that points you to what to push for 10,000. Of course, supply is also an issue, so even if I really wanted 10,000 of every bag, getting them is going to be a very slow process unless I’m willing to dump a lot of gold at the problem. Even though there appears to be no supply for this bag, if I started putting in 1g buy orders I could imagine that they would suddenly start falling into my lap. Hehehe actually if I had money to throw around I might consider trying that experiment some day. If you notice the price of this bag suddenly spiking to 1g, it’s probably me.
I’m leveling up my key farmer to check on wvw skritt, unless someone else can get there first. curiosity too strong!
Take your pick:
*Urge to discover… rising!
“You ran from skriiiittt!”
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Yes and no… to be really accurate, you do need 1000+ as you point out, but just to get a “good enough” idea of the expected value you only need to be in the hundreds. When you have 100 of everything you get a good baseline of what warrants going up to 1000, and that points you to what to push for 10,000. Of course, supply is also an issue, so even if I really wanted 10,000 of every bag, getting them is going to be a very slow process unless I’m willing to dump a lot of gold at the problem. Even though there appears to be no supply for this bag, if I started putting in 1g buy orders I could imagine that they would suddenly start falling into my lap. Hehehe actually if I had money to throw around I might consider trying that experiment some day. If you notice the price of this bag suddenly spiking to 1g, it’s probably me.
yes and no. Skritt bags are notorious for dropping a LOT of different items. Medium Bag of Skritt Shinies, for example, can drop 36 different materials. Some of those have as low as 0.2% chance to drop (1 every 500 bags). 100 bags will give an idea, but I doubt you’ll even see everything that is possible to drop from them. Still, it’s a start.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
I can confirm they are dropped in wvw borderlands. My toon is lvl 20.
Yarr! I be keeping me pirate runes, Matey. Yarr! You’re welcome. Yarr!
we have a winner!
actually, that would probably be pretty good to farm. since these bags are so expensive, and in my mind they drop like candy from a hotdog stand at that location, you can probably make some serious coin. but only for a little while before you get too high a level. any idea what the level range would be? 16-24?
come to think of it, I bet it drops from any skritt if the character is that level? so level 20 character killing level 30 skritt? except that is hard to do anywhere except wvw.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
(edited by Mystic.5934)
Probably 15-24, but no confirmation.
You could always farm a key, birthday gift-boost that char to 20, farm there until they’re replaced by the next level of bag, delete the char and repeat.
I have way too many 20-level boosts.
Still, my tolerance for farming overly easy content is nearly zero, so I won’t be doing this personally. It’s a possibility, though, if you’re into this kind of thing.
yes and no. Skritt bags are notorious for dropping a LOT of different items. Medium Bag of Skritt Shinies, for example, can drop 36 different materials. Some of those have as low as 0.2% chance to drop (1 every 500 bags). 100 bags will give an idea, but I doubt you’ll even see everything that is possible to drop from them. Still, it’s a start.
The basis for my previous comment is the old saw `the perfect is the enemy of the good`. If you only open 100 bags, then sure, you may have missed tons of stuff that has less than a 1% chance of appearing, but by definition items in this range have near zero impact on the expected value of the bag unless they can vendor for several gold on the TP. If I open 100 bags and see that I can make a 1s profit off each bag, it isn’t going to matter to me if the `real` answer is 95c or 1s5c. If I’m not asking `what makes money` but instead I care about the actual odds that apply to a particular item in a bag, then definitely, more need to be opened.
I can confirm they are dropped in wvw borderlands. My toon is lvl 20.
Thanks for taking the time to do this! I’m still curious as to how easy this would be to farm if you were serious. While you’re doing it, your character is going to level itself out of the range where you can keep getting the bags so you have to start over just getting a character ready. Mystic comments that the drop rate from the Skritt is good; my experience has been just the opposite- I consistently get frequent bag drops from the Centaurs but when I visit the Skritt the rate is abysmal. Does anyone want to comment on the rate from the Dredge and Hylek?
I opened 300 Small Bags of Skritt Shinies! only took 8 months to buy them at outrageous prices! yay!
what I got:
44 Wool Scrap
59 Thin Leather Section
11 Vial of Weak Blood
12 Tiny Fang
16 Bone chip
12 Tiny Totem
12 Tiny Scale
13 Pile of Glittering Dust
12 Tiny Claw
15 Tiny Venom Sac
8 Bone Shard
5 Small Totem
4 Small Scale
3 Pile of Shimmering Dust
5 Small Claw
3 Small Venom Sac
2 Molten Sliver
1 Onyx Sliver
1 Corrupted Sliver
1 Glacial Sliver
116 Stick of Butter
58 Chocolate Bar
3 Onion
3 Carrot
1 Mushroom
2 Garnet Pebble
3 Amber Pebble
6 Pearl
2 Silver Doubloon
1 Bit of Metal Scrap
5 Rock
5 Crude Salvage Kit
2 Iron Mining Pick
3 Iron Logging Axe
2 Iron Harvesting Sickle
I’ll go update the wiki :P
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
Are you looking for them to sell or open
I’m on a quest to open at least 100 of every bag in the game (so better-use-of-my-time arguments are not an issue).
I approve (having done something similar).