So I want this armor.. how to get the money?

So I want this armor.. how to get the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hope.8612


Alright well I wanted to make a norn thief, I went through an armor gallery and found this armor that I’m in love with: It’s a tier 3 cultural and I looked it up in gw2 wiki and saw you can apparently only buy it from a certain npc and that the whole set costs 119g! Holy cow! I hardly know anything about GW2, I have 1 level 80 that I only did hearts and otherwise just roamed on, though I’m not much interested in her anymore, and a few alts. Sooo upon checking I only have about 30g. I figured I can live without the helmet and gloves and shoes, so my goal would be about 75g for this. How fast can one generally make 75g? And how? I’ve never done the dungeons since I have no friends that play with me and it seems like an atmosphere that’s gonna be troublesome to get into. (Though I generally love dungeons in games.) Never done farming or crafting either, though I’m willing to get into all these things if it’s the best options.

So I want this armor.. how to get the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

If you’re not interested in crafting at all, sell all your materials on the Trading Post at lowest seller price.

If you haven’t worked toward World Completion, start now. When you complete the higher zones, you sometimes get items that sell for 1 gold each and you’ll have made a lot of coin from killing the higher level enemies.

Dungeons are very beneficial when it comes to making money despite the cost of armor repairs. (I haven’t done many but the little I have has proven worth it.)

WvW is can also make you money quickly if you can travel with a group that is taking places quickly. You get a lot for not doing much.

So I want this armor.. how to get the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chibiko.4795


my guildmate run dungeon explorer mode over and over and he made 20+ gold a day or something =o eat magic find items to help you get gold/exotic equipments to sell in trading post too.

So I want this armor.. how to get the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bri.2359


As someone mentioned, complete/explore all the maps in the game. Use a good salvage/vendor system and this will earn gold quickly. Sell the mats you don’t use on the TP.

Farm the 3 dragon events. Search for the event timer for your server so you can cycle between all 3 events on a regular basis

Dungeons are not for everyone. I didn’t start doing dungeons until well after I hit lvl 80 with a full set of exotic armour and weapons. Loot drops are not much better than what you find else where in game – lots of blue items, a few greens, now and again a rare. In the month or so I have been running dungeons, I had 2 exotic drops I was able to sell for around 2g each.

Players I know run dungeons mainly for the tokens, not the loot drops. The tokens can be exchanged for exotic weapons and armour that can help you survive the more difficult dungeons. Some players like the looks of the various dungeon armour and weapons, so collect tokens for cosmetic reasons.

Oh, and stay away from MF buffs. These are a waste of the gold you are trying to save, they don’t work very well, and gimps your toon.

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver