So called Anti-Farming Code

So called Anti-Farming Code

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DeeJay.8504


Well as I’ve seen alot of post’s since Guild Wars 2 has come out. I realise that there are some truth’s and there are some lie’s.

In Guild Wars there was no such thing when it first came out, I know this because after about 1year of gameplay I started to farm the Underworld. (Anyone who has played Guild Wars within the first year of production/being Live!) Will know that you could easily farm Globs of Ectoplasm with a 55hp Monk and SS Necro.

Shortly after the release of Guild War’s Faction’s and the massive OVERUSE! of the skill Spirit Bond, after being nerf’d several time’s Anet decided to nerf the ecto drop rate.

Now while the Spirit Bond skill was in play it had a cast time of about 1/4 of a second with a duration of about 10-20 seconds with no hit counter (as in wouldnt count the ammount of hits you take) meanwhile you could easily tank the Ghostly Scarabs in the Waste’s part of Underworld.

Everyone who used to do UWSC would love to put there hand for Waste’s/Plain’s/Pool’s as these had the higest ecto drop rate, as you could range from 1-5 ecto per run. (However this would effect your next run.)

As I like to see people now wondering about a Anti-Farm Code its just a myth!

Anyone who is a veteran Guild Wars player should know that Arena Net invented Guild War’s as a game where everyone could play and get the good stuff (equality).

Which verteran’s will know that infact it is not a Anti-Farming code but is infact an Equalizer for the game. Hence why Guild War’s had a cap of Lvl : 20 so everyone could do high end thing’s the only seperation between a noob/godly pro was the item’s.

Just like the update with Guild War’s with Underworld with Dhuum. He was implamented to give experienced player’s a challenge in Hard Mode. And something new for the less Farming/Competativeness.

As I’ve seen after several hour’s of farming in Orr every 30-60 minutes I am averaging between 2-6 of the T6 Matt’s and several of the T5 Matt’s. Which most of them are gained by the substanchal gain from the gambleing of the Mouldy Bag’s.

Which is where Guild War’s 2 has it’s great equalizer. The bag system.

Average per hour of bag’s around 30-50 per hour, with a selection of white/blue/green and the occasional rare/exotic. So therefore after careful consideration Guild War’s 2 is along the similar to Guild War’s with Arena Net’s famous moto Everyone is Equal.

Feel free to comment:
*To all hatter’s I welcome your comment’s as I love you. Because without you I wouldn’t be here.
*To all those who genunly want to debate feel free (don’t comment about shocking spelling as Da Vinchi was a great mastermind he had shocking spelling) side’s you all get the jist.

So called Anti-Farming Code

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vluhd.7562


*To all hatter’s I welcome your comment’s as I love you.

I agree. Nothing quite like a good hat.

IGN: Toxicodendron Vox
Dragonriders [DR]

So called Anti-Farming Code

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

i dont understand the point of this post? are you saying you doubt the existence of loot DR? or are you saying its not a problem (which; it is, as it time gates farmers)?

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

So called Anti-Farming Code

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ButterOfDeath.2873


dude… word+s (ex: words) means more than one word…instead word+’s (word’s) means something possessed by the word…
i mean… guild war’s…hatter’s…post’s…come on,it was hard to read correctly xD

So called Anti-Farming Code

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Sooo are you saying there was or wasn’t an anti farm code in Guild Wars 1 and/or Guild Wars 2?

I had a little trouble understanding your post.

If you are arguing that there isn’t. From the wikis:
Guild Wars 1
Guild Wars 2

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

So called Anti-Farming Code

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

I farmed the living excrement out of Gw1 and there was Dr. I personally don’t have any problems with it in either game – all you do ikitten different zones in a rotation to stay ahead of it.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]