Solo Class Advise
What’s wrong with a “pet class”? XD
I can’t stand to play anything ranged, but I love pet classes myself so I was extremely excited I could melee the ranger here…
Anyway, Guardian is what I’m playing solo at the moment and it’s a great class still and very useful all around. Warrior isn’t too bad either, but must less versatility when it comes to parties I think. I’m not really sure since I haven’t played it too terribly much and never with an actual group yet. Elementalist isn’t bad either but it’s slow as you can’t really dive in head first as you can with the Guardian or Warrior class.
Outside of those I haven’t tried any others as I’m still fairly new myself…
Warrior because it can be a wrecking machine, you can kill VERY quick, and obv as a heavy class can be sturdy, but it doesn’t have much versatility. Few options when it comes to support.
Mesmer because it has pretty good versatility, especially with the staff. Illusions are good for creating distractions, and they are simple to play, but hard to master. And their portals can be VERY useful, especially for jumping puzzles.
Not a fan of the thief too much, I got mine to 80 and got bored. But they can do pretty good dmg, and their invisibility comes very useful for avoiding fights. I also find them to not have enough in terms of team play. For teams it is silly to not use shortbow for the combo finisher. Few weapons, but steal is pretty fun.
Guardian is always great, whenever I bring her in dungeons, it is a breeze, but in solo I feel more dmg is always good. Though you can trait them to do decent dmg, and with the right food and traits they can be a perfect balance of offence and defense.
Elementalist is my favorite. Daggers are great for solo because of all the control and dmg they have. Cantrips allow them to be extremely sturdy. You can use Elementals and Ice Bow to emulate a ranger’s playstyle. And they are always giving out a good amount of boons. Very easy to have 100% swiftness and fury. The few weapon choices might get boring quick though. Many combos are also possible.
Engineer is also very versatile and do good condition dmg. While also having a fair amount of defensive capabilities. Decent amount of combo capabilities. My only qualm is that they do not have much in terms of melee, and sometimes I feel the desire for more raw dmg.
Despite your initial post, I think you should play a Necromancer.
REAL necromancers don’t need any pets… it’s called condition damage and marks/wells.
On the other hand, Anet hate Necromancers and we’re basically the handicapped cousin of the Condition Damage engineer with good condition spreading. You’re gonna have a hard time convincing anyone Necromancers are good to play until we become the new OP class.
Thanks for the suggestions, I think I will end up trying Mesmer or Elementalist, guess I will try both for a few levels and than decide which I stick with.