Someone let me pick their brain

Someone let me pick their brain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Skye.6875


Hey, maybe a bit of a weird request but i’m looking for someone with good knowledge of this game who would be willing to answer questions that i stumble upon daily.
Essentially i’m looking for a friend haha as my friends all play WoW :/ (i quit)

I’m Australian, i’m 21 years old and i promise i’m not a creep!
My character is an 80 warrior on Sea of Sorrows, i have no guild either.
I am not going to ask you for money/items or even physical help in the game,
surprisingly after years of MMOs i find GW2 probably the strangest and difficult in the way that it is played!

(I hope that i am allowed to make a post like this?)

Someone let me pick their brain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Feel free to ask me whenever I am on. I live in Europe so I am sure we are sometimes on at the same time.

Right now I have to go to work for a but, but I’ll be back within 6-7 hours.

Someone let me pick their brain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Skye.6875


Sweet! I’m assuming the friend system is cross realm and such. I’ll add you shortly!

Someone let me pick their brain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alissah.9281



Feel free to add me in game, and ask anything whenever im online.

You can even send me an ingame mail or forum pm :O (im EU so we probably wont be online much at the same time)

I dont think you want my brain, though.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

Someone let me pick their brain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: knives.6345


Feel free to add me too. I’m on Borlis Pass (NA), and is playing on Oceanic time (or rather Asian time)

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Someone let me pick their brain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


No, add me! Add meeeee! I’m better than those three guys put together!

Not but seriously, if any of them aren’t logged in, give me a shout. EU resident though.

Just no uber-specific questions related to builds ( Guardian is fine though, I main that ) coz I don’t know enough :p

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Someone let me pick their brain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Skye.6875


added all of you guys

@Alissah i’m gonna take that ’’anything’’ literally :P

Someone let me pick their brain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alissah.9281


added all of you guys

@Alissah i’m gonna take that ’’anything’’ literally :P

Exactly what I was afraid of hoping for xD

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.