Special skins - keep transmuting?

Special skins - keep transmuting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


As the tittle suggest, I’m wondering if I can keep transmuting a weapon skin like the candy cane hammer, or is it a one-time thing? Like say if I used it on a green hammer, then wanted it on a rare or exotic one?


Special skins - keep transmuting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: codingCaptor.9428


You can transmute it up to a better weapon later. However, you will need to use Transmutation stones after the first use.

Keep in mind that regular transmutation stones (that you get from 100% map completing an area) Will only work on items up to level 79. To get the skin onto a level 80 Hammer, you’d need to obtain Fine transmutation stones somehow (through the cash shop, daily rewards, black lion chests, etc.)

Special skins - keep transmuting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Cool, thanks.

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