Stacking On Crit Sigils

Stacking On Crit Sigils

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Spectrum.4985


I’ve been searching for the answer around a lot but I’ve seen mixed replies (search also sucks here). Sigil stacking is a bit confusing in general.

My question is, do sigils that apply on crits (air, fire, etc.) stack with diminishing returns when applied on two weapons (offhand and mainhand)? I understand that the cooldowns are shared between the two, and that you won’t have the same effect twice on a crit but will the proc percentage go up?

For example, with two sigils of air will I have a 51% chance on crit for a lightning strike, or will one of the sigils be wasted?

Stacking On Crit Sigils

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Spectrum.4985


Bumping and clarifying my original question. My question is specifically at stacking two of the SAME on crit sigil.

I tried to do some testing myself, and it has led me to believe that the second same sigil will have no effect. Can anyone confirm?

Stacking On Crit Sigils

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Olba.5376


You’re right. Having two of the same sigil is no different from having 1 sigil.

Stacking On Crit Sigils

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KICKER.3874


Usually when stacking the same sigil on both weapons you won`t get double the effect.

It is certain that for example 2 fire sigils both go on cooldown when it procs, however I believe that the proc chances are separate, meaning that 2 fire sigils will indeed proc more often when off cooldown, since you have 2 separate 30% chances waiting to proc.

you can test this easy with 1 fire sigil and 1 air sigil, sometimes you will see air proc, sometimes fire, both sharing the cooldown.

Stacking On Crit Sigils

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nretep.2564


2x “30% chance to procc lightning strike on crit (5s CD)”
= “51% chance to proc lightning strike on crit (5s CD)”

Stacking On Crit Sigils

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Olba.5376


2x “30% chance to procc lightning strike on crit (5s CD)”
= “51% chance to proc lightning strike on crit (5s CD)”

Not true.

It’s a known fact that if you have two on-crit sigils, only the one on the main hand will ever proc. Thus, the second sigil has a proc rate of 0%.

Stacking On Crit Sigils

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nretep.2564


2x “30% chance to procc lightning strike on crit (5s CD)”
= “51% chance to proc lightning strike on crit (5s CD)”

Not true.

It’s a known fact that if you have two on-crit sigils, only the one on the main hand will ever proc. Thus, the second sigil has a proc rate of 0%.

Not ture.

It’s a know fact that the sigil in the main hand is checked first and the one in the offhand second. So, when using two different “on crit” sigil the one in the main hand has a slightly higher probability. When using two different “killstack” sigils the main hand will always win, since it’s checked first.