Staff that goes along with my armor?
Red and gold always brings to my mind Ceremonial…
But all staves are in your bank wardrobe tab to try. Just try everything and pict the one that suits your taste.
Like garambola said, check your bank wardrobe. All skins in the game are listed there.
Also, <3 to garambola for using “staves”.
I think the Whisper’s staff would look very good with your armor set.
Or maybe the Lionguard staff?
My pick would be any of these:
Berzerket ascended (red and gold)
Ceremonial staff
Emberspire (this one if you mainly use fire attunement)
Lionsguard staff
Whisper’s secret staff.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
(edited by locoman.1974)
Some more suggestions: kinda picks up the royal look you created (not everyone can wear that, but I think this could fit well with your ele but: its a ticket skin) would give a bit darker atmosphere, not sure if you’d want that could work too
Let us know what you choose in the end
Have fun,
Melandru’s Gaze
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
Lionguard Staff
Ebon Vanguard Staff
Ceremonial Staff (a little dark though)
Crimson Antique Spire
Citrine Antique Spire
Flame Staff
Fused Staff
Golden Wing Staff
Primordus Staff
Bloody Prince staff or the Phoenix one go well with red, though both are BL skins and can be pretty pricey. Other people have mentioned cheaper alternatives.
Bloody Prince staff or the Phoenix one go well with red, though both are BL skins and can be pretty pricey. Other people have mentioned cheaper alternatives.
Tamini quarterstaff is a reasonable alternative to Bloody Prince Staff. Both are very similar to each other- both have bright red flames at the top surrounded by claw-like mount/setting.