Starting Areas

Starting Areas

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: XDEADLYXALICEX.6915


I am human but can I travel to the starting areas of other races? If so, how do I get there from Queensdale?

Starting Areas

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


Easy to get to any starting area.

From where you started as a human, go up the road to the portal into Divinity’s Reach. Go straight down the road until you see some “elevators” to the upper level. Go into the central area of the upper level and you’ll be able to find the Asura gate to Lion’s Arch — note that the gate is marked on your map as a purple dot.

Once you get to Lion’s Arch, choose where you want to go. All of the gates to the other racial capitals are in a cluster, and they’re guarded by members of that race. So the gate back to Divinity’s Reach is guarded by humans, the gate to Rata Sum is guarded by Asura, and so on. Once you get close enough to each gate it’ll also have a label, but guards are easier to see from a distance.

Then find your way to the starting area, depending on the city. Asura: Metrica Province, the south east cluster of gates on the same level as where you came in. Charr: To the east, region named Plains of Ashford. Norn: Cross the city to the east gate, exiting to Wayfarer Hills. Sylvari: Go to the north portal on the same level as the one you arrive on, and exit to Caledon Forest.

Starting Areas

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SomeKinda.3867


Go into Divinity’s Reach, just behind where you first started. Make your way to the very center of the map. Divinity’s Reach is a big giant circle, so it should be pretty easy to find, but I think you can ask for directions from the guy near the entrance if needed. Just go up the giant ramp you see though and find the asura gate there in this big indoor garden area (you’ll see a purple swirl icon on the map), make sure to get the waypoint while you’re at it.

The Asura gate will take you to Lion’s Arch. You’ll see four other Asura gates in a circle around you. Notice how the gate you came out of had two human guards? The gate that’s guarded by two Norn Wolfborn goes to the Norn’s home city. The gate guarded by two Sylvari go to the Sylvari home city etc. Just find the way out from there (a difficult task sometimes, but it’s USUALLY not too far from the gate, and it’ll have a path branching out). Ask in map chat if you need help finding the way.

Starting Areas

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Setch.2398


Or hit H to bring up your hero panel. On the left bottom tab there is one that says PVP. Click that and choose to go to the Mists. (The mists is a lobby area. That itself is not PVP) Anyway, there is a portal there to Lions Arch. And then, as people have said, you will find the cluster of portals.

SOR – [Boss]