Still on 169/172 shiverpeak regions , help!
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@ laurs nope , but thanx for trying i have all the objectives done , its the 3 missing areas i need and theyre not listed its annoying lol
the wiki site has region names listed, you may be missing some of the jumping puzzle areas which are pretty well hidden.
There is also a hidden area near tail of the serpent, “Lair of the Coil”.
It’s in Timberline falls and you have to swim through an underground passage and turn east through some seaweeds.
Having 100% of the explorer achievements may not get you the Gifts of Exploration, if so you may need to revisit the Chantry of Secrets even if you already got the POI there.
(edited by Token.6501)
Thanx ive hardly done jumping puzzles , so maybe its those that will give me the 3 missing areas ill check it out thanx ill also check region named to see is im missing them off my map , pretty strange nobody has put up a 100 % map with all areas covered tho
Well the wiki does have map images.
Have you found yet the Talus Waterslide also in Timberline Falls? It’ s a small area behind a shrubbery or small waterfall (I can’t remember which one was it) in the corner of the swamp in south west corner of that map.
Update 171/172 now thanx to puzzles keep it up guys n thanx a lot
@ bumpuss ill check thanx
Ok got the 2 puzzles locations , griffonrun and rookery , im no on 171/172 done all puzzles and checked maps , help! also go lair of the coil
Does this one help you? does not help with explorer achievements at all because it does not show the white name labels that are required for explorer achievements. I wish people would stop posting it in threads about explorer achievements.
If it is any help to the OP I made a list after I completed the achievements and have put it on the wiki:
So you can check off the areas you already have against my list and see what you are missing.