Suggestions for a profession to best fit this group?

Suggestions for a profession to best fit this group?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Magnum.4179


Just looking for opinions on what profession would go along best with my friends… I’ve always been something of a team player and capable of using and having fun with whatever I get my hands on, so the type of profession doesn’t much matter.

The classes they are going are Necro, Ranger, and either a Ele or Mesmer. I’m thinking a Warrior or Guardian would probably fit best into a group like that, but it’s always awesome to get some advice from people that have experience already! Thanks in advance.

Suggestions for a profession to best fit this group?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Critwrench.8432


Guardian would be the way to go there. For one they lack a Heavy class, so they’ll otherwise be salvaging/selling any Heavy armor they get.

For two, they all have a lot of OFFENSIVE power, and will most likely be using their offensive abilities more than their defensive ones, especially to start; the Guardian in particular excels in defensive and supporting abilities, with shouts that give things like AOE Protection, Regen, Retaliation, Aegis, Swiftness, and Stability, and with proper usage you can use these abilities (among others) to pull your party out of all but the worst scrapes.

A shallow ocean only contains as much water as a particularly deep bucket.

Suggestions for a profession to best fit this group?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Magnum.4179


Yea… Pretty much what I was thinking on both the armor and group standpoint. We’re pretty good about sharing gear, money, and such, but we still try to spread out the class types enough that we aren’t conflicting too much.

I’ve just seen mixed reviews of the warriors and guardians, It got to the point where I decided I’d just put up a post with what I was looking for and why and see what others opinions on it were. Thanks Critwrench!

Suggestions for a profession to best fit this group?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


Do whatever you do, don’t form a group without a guardian.

Q: Why not?

A: Because guardian has a lot of skills for “omg we’re so screwed now” situations.

Suggestions for a profession to best fit this group?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Twaddlefish.6537


Guardians are great, but remember they are not built as pure tanks and will go down just as easily as a necro if they dive in to soak up damage.