Suggestions on building a low/med computer

Suggestions on building a low/med computer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hawkpro.8563


My wife and I are getting back into gw2 but we recently sold our second computer during our last move. I’m trying to build something that will run the game at 30+ frames in pve/pvp on low to medium settings. We don’t wvw much and 20 frames on low in wvw would be acceptable.

I need to buy everything but a hard drive.

Anyone know of any cheap and good barebones combos?
Am I able to get the desired framerate without a dedicated video card?
Would an AMD APU handle this game without being choppy at low/med and not run too hot?

Trying to keep the price around $300. I already have a hard dive with windows 7 ready to go so all I need is the case/psu/CPU/ram.

All suggestions are appreciated!

Suggestions on building a low/med computer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Hello! I’m not a pro, but I have been looking into building one for myself, so I have some entry-level tips for you

It’s a bit complicated ensuring compatibility between all parts, so it’s a good idea to use a site like PCPartPicker. Here’s a (Black Friday intended) guide covering from very low to glorious gamer builds:

Good combos in there, with price tags (and you can buy their parts piece by piece).

Am I able to get the desired framerate without a dedicated video card?

The short answer is: No.
Some of the more recent Intel processors are very good at integrating graphics – not as good as a video card, by far, but they are worth considering, if you want a PC without a GPU. Look up Haswell in particular.
When my laptop’s GPU died, I was pretty much left integrating everything through that poor Intel CPU. It was a good one – i7, too, – which let me continue playing the game, if a little choppily.

Would an AMD APU handle this game without being choppy at low/med and not run too hot?

If by “handling”, you mean “integrating”, then to my best knowledge, AMD won’t handle that at all. But if you have a GPU backing you up – and a reasonably good CPU, – you’ll be fine! Intel and AMD are rivals, so at the very least you can expect good performance for the run-of-the-mill tasks. Not integrating, though. (that may be Intel-proprietary, for now)

Edit: I looked it up and AMD can integrate indeed. I seriously, seriously doubt a chip of theirs can outperform a GPU.

Trying to keep the price around $300. I already have a hard dive with windows 7 ready to go so all I need is the case/psu/CPU/ram.

Don’t forget a motherboard, utility circuits (if it’s an old mobo and needs extras), and so on! Look at that guide I linked you. It has the price ranges and you can pick cheaper parts which will also be riskier.

Good luck!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

(edited by Seal.5964)

Suggestions on building a low/med computer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hawkpro.8563


I’ve already decided going with AMD over Intel just because of price, I know the Intels are better though.

I guess I’ll have to get a mid range GPU if integrated AMD graphics won’t cut it.

I’ve been building computers for 15 years so compatibility and such isn’t an issue.

Planning on a low power 4gb ram, 3.0ghz+ dual/quad set up.

My current computer is an old 3.06ghz i3, 4gb ram, nvidia 8800gs and it runs on low-mid at 30-40 frames just fine.