Summon Blood Fiend: dies instantly?

Summon Blood Fiend: dies instantly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mingione.2871


I’m new to Guild Wars and just made a necromancer.
I had about ten minutes to play before logging last night. I logged in today and tried to summon my Blood Fiend and it just summons it and it dies right away…
I see there is a sacrafice blood fiend skill that overlaps the summoning skill, but i assume it would cast summon unless there was one alive, then it would sacrafice it?? But it seems to just be summoning and sacraficing right away every time.

I just want to summon my pet and not have him die instantly.
Thank you! Sorry if it’s a dumb question.

Summon Blood Fiend: dies instantly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


This is quite annoying, but that is how it just is. I do my best to ignore the wretched creature.

Summon Blood Fiend: dies instantly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mingione.2871


Yesterday when I first made my character, I was able to summon my blood fiend and he actually stayed alive and faught with me. Now i summon him and he gets sacraficed instantly… ? Doesn’t seem how it is supposed to be…

Summon Blood Fiend: dies instantly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maiter.9820


Make sure u dont have the skill on auto use.

Summon Blood Fiend: dies instantly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mingione.2871


That would be helpful if I knew what auto-use was or how to take it off auto-use sacrafice….

Summon Blood Fiend: dies instantly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CelestialWyrm.8572


Auto-attack is enabled/disabled by hitting Ctrl + Mouse 2 on a skill. When enabled that skill will automatically repeat whenever it’s ready (your weapon 1 skill is set as this by default, since this is the basic auto-attack).

Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

Summon Blood Fiend: dies instantly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Or you can stop double clicking your skills.