(edited by DragonChaser.3170)
Super borring / repetitive - need advice
1) Repetitive quests. Are you doing Hearts? Yes hearts are boring. They are only there to give something to do to people when they start the game, but they are the pretty bad if you ask me. You don’t need to do them at all. Try the dynamics events intead, by level 40 you have a couple of world boss that you can find the timer on dulfy.net and other website. You can go into EotM if you want to level up quickly. The game for me really start when you hit level 80. It’s been years the last time I wasn’t level 80 so I’m not sure what I used to do really.
2) Warrior is the fastest profession in term of movement. Use a GS and Sword/Warhorn. GS#3, GS#5 and Sword#2 are all movement skill that leap you forward. Add to that Warhorn #4 for some swiftness. The utility skill Bull’s Charge is also a movement skill. You also have the trait Warrior’s Sprint, which is a major adept from Discipline, it give you a 25% movement speed while wielding a melee weapon. With all that you will be the fastest character of the game. Ideal for open world.
3) I really don’t get that question.
4) True and False at the same time. Until level 80 I didn’t bother with it at all. Mostly because, as you level up, you get better gear and you don’t have the charge to always change you gear appearance. If that really get on your nerve, then know that you can transmute whatever skin you want on your low level gear. Hell you can even transmute a legendary on your level 40 weapons. Take a look at the TP. There is some interesting stuff, not so high in price. Cobalt for exemple, it’s a nice looking GS at only like 2-3 Gold.
5) Of course you don’t. You just started the game dude ; ). Don’t worry about that tbh. Craft won’t really help you until the end game. If you still want to level up your crafting, take a look at gw2crafts.net They will give you guides.
6) I don’t know who told you to keep to low level area. Exploring will help you level up faster, gather everything you see, especialy in low level area (meaning like level 60 and less) because you don’t get those material that often when you are level 80, but you still need them to craft your end-game gear so they are worth a lot of gold and gathering give you xp. Like I said, EotM will give be one of the best way to level up, but not everybody like it. Dungeon used to be good, but not anymore. Crafting is also a good way to level up. Use gw2crafts.net to level up to 400 both Cooking and Jeweler. For like 15 Gold you will gain about 14 levels. Don’t know if you have enough gold at this point.
7) Well there is two things here. Not all dynamics boss are done all the time. Most people got for world boss mostly. Again, take a look at a world boss timer and you will know where to go when. You will see 50-100 peoples with you. You also have level 80 maps, which are more popular because most people are level 80. SO maybe you just run in not popular maps. Secondly, there is the mega servers, which sometime doesn’t work well. You could be in a really bad map with low number of people, while there is like 5 versions of that map full of people. I hope one day, anet will make a proper queue system for open world maps to limit that problem.
Yes, for me too leveling to 80 wasn’t the best part of the game. But look at this that way. If you like the game, the time you pass levelling to 80 will only be a tiny fraction of the time in-game.
I so much want to be positive in my response but it seems like you have focused so negatively on every aspect of the game.
Perhaps you should find a guild and play with friends instead of alone.
The sad truth to gw2 is there isn’t a lot of non repetitive content. The story doesn’t have much variety, the world bosses lack mechanics, the new/end level content is the same thing every 2 hours.... The truth about gw2 that really makes it a great game is the community. Look for some one to level with, get a guild ( your welcome to join mine.) There is a sub forum that you can dig through, or just post and get help finding the right guild.
tl/dr: Find people to run with and the game will be a thousand times better.
“3) I really don’t get that question.”
Its like we both explained basicly, you are forced to wear a horn for movement speed as secundairy instead of using a gun to unleash a volley at an enemy and then quickly switch to your great sword and smash the enemy.
“Like I said, EotM will give be one of the best way to level up, but not everybody like it.”
I googled this quickly, this is PVP? 0__0… so PVP is the best way to lvl up… ok 0__0
Any quick way of earning gold in this game?.
Tnx for the reply though.
- Repetitive quests
Consider each quest give you at least 3 different ways of doing it, i can’t really see it is that repetitive. You are also suppose to be doing the event chains around the quest to get more xp.
- Movement way too slow + too much walking (i cant TP if i dont have the WP obviously)
You add waypoints as you come in to the new area. There are no reason what so ever to stay in low level areas, who ever gave you that idea, is limiting them self hugely.
- Stuck with movement speed as secundairy, using 2 skills all the time on primary/
If i understood you right you are a warrior. Your signet elite skill give you speedbuffs, and the warhorn do as well. Swapping skills and weapons should be something you get used too, so don’t avoid that. Add waypoints and USE them.
- Gear looks the same for countless hours
Whilst leveling your gear will change all the time, so thinking of how you look at this point is not really usefull. When you get to lvl 80 you can make your wardrobe with lots of options. If you really can not wait that long, then i guess you can buy an outfit in the gemshop, which unlocks for all characters on your account regardless of level. Imo a bit silly, since it does not matter when you level, but ok you can do it if you really can’t stand the looks now
- Dont have the resources / money to lvl up crafter (i pickup / harvest anything i can)
Well i don’t really get how you are thinking here. In any mmo with crafting you must first get the materials and then craft. GW2 is no different. So gather and most important of all, salvage stuff you don’t need for more crafting materials.
- Need to lvl faster, heard i should stick with lower lvl places so im doing that and got a tip i should do dungeons gonna try that today
Already answered this, but i say it again, who ever told you this, must have trolled you. GW2 is about exploring so get out there and start doing just that. You gain no favors in not doing it.
As for leveling well there is a milion things to do.
Doing heartquest and follow up events. Stop skipping things, you get enough xp from events all whilst you also get loot and karma. Karma is really important later in game so stop skipping.
Worldbosses. Many maps have world events that happens every 3 hour. Use bosstimers like this http://gw2timer.com/ And make sure to add waypoints around them so you can get there fast enough.
Dungeons give good xp and loot
Crafting give you xp for everything you craft
Gathering give you xp
Killing mobs that have not been killed for a long while give you bonus xp, so don’s skip mobs on strange palces, they can give you the tripple normal xp.
Try other game modes like world verses world (if you are f2p you can join wvw when lvl 60 any other account at any level you want). WvW can be superexciting if you are on a good populated server. 3 servers fighting over maps for a week and then reset. You gain a lot of xp and karma here.
PvP you can try at lvl 2 already. You gain no xp by killing, but you gain level scrolls as reward.
Map completion. If you complete everything on a map (all waypoints, all heartquests, all points of interest and all vistas) you will get a big pile of xp, very nice loot and crafting material and some gear for the level of the map as reward.
- I barely ever see a random quest happen and mini bosses i preffer to skip because im basicly 1 v 1 against boss almost everytime, takes too long so it takes away from my XP, coulved “walked” atleast to another area in the meanwhile and completed several hearts in the same time.
This i don’t understand at all. This game have events happening all over the place. It give you xp for doing/killing the stuff and when the event is done you also get a big pile of xp and you get karma which is very important and you get coins.
So again, get out there, explore, change game modes, do what you feel like doing for the day. Change game mode when bored and just enjoy it.
“3) I really don’t get that question.”
Its like we both explained basicly, you are forced to wear a horn for movement speed as secundairy instead of using a gun to unleash a volley at an enemy and then quickly switch to your great sword and smash the enemy.
or you could use one of the gap closers instead of wasting time with the rifle
There is also the trait and Signet of Rage as alternatives. There is also Superior Rune of the Traveler and Superior Rune of Speed for lv60+. Sigil of Speed can also be used to stack swiftness.
“Like I said, EotM will give be one of the best way to level up, but not everybody like it.”
I googled this quickly, this is PVP? 0__0… so PVP is the best way to lvl up… ok 0__0
In theory it is. In practice not really. It is more PvE+PvDoors. Although most of the PvE mobs there will be more challenging than most of the core PvE mobs. They are closer in power level to the HoT mobs.
“3) I really don’t get that question.”
Its like we both explained basicly, you are forced to wear a horn for movement speed as secundairy instead of using a gun to unleash a volley at an enemy and then quickly switch to your great sword and smash the enemy.“Like I said, EotM will give be one of the best way to level up, but not everybody like it.”
I googled this quickly, this is PVP? 0__0… so PVP is the best way to lvl up… ok 0__0Any quick way of earning gold in this game?.
Tnx for the reply though.
Well, you are not forced to use the Warhorn. There is plenty of movement skill and source of switfness. Each weapons have their strength and weakness. If you want even more mobility use Sw/Warhorn. If you prefer rifle take rifle. What do you want, a weapon that give you range attack, best dps, blocks and mobility?? That’s called balance, you need to make choice of what strength you prefer and what weakness you can live with. That said, there is plenty of way to keep the mobility other than warhorn so. The GS have 2 great movement skills, take Bull’s Charge and Signet of Rage. That’s plenty enough mobility so you can take rifle.
EotM is kind of pvp, but not really. It’s a mix of PvE and PvP with most zerg attacking fort defending by mobs and rarely players. It really depend on the people on the map. Some prefer to make some zerg vs zerg, other prefer to attack fort after fort.
Yes, but several of them are in the end-game. That said you can make gold by
Farming low level material. One of the easiest is Iron and platinum farming, which can be done at low level. You can use gw2timer.com to find where are the rich vein. And then sold those on the TP. But it will be far far easier to get gold once you reach level 80.
- Movement way too slow + too much walking (i cant TP if i dont have the WP obviously)
Yes. GW2 has huge maps and way too slow movement speed. Nothing you can do about it really.
i was playing Blade and Soul for a week when it got released and then returned to GW2 everything was moving in slow motion. Once you have unlocked most of the WP system, you don’t run that much anymore, just from closest WP. But you still move slowly-so-very-slowly.
I never considered quests boring or repetitive. And I have completed the map many-many times with all my alts. But then again, it took me over a year to get first alt to level 80.
I’m forced to reply here because of too much negativity.
```Repetitive? I assume you are pertaining to Renown Hearts well each heart asks you to do things in many ways. You don’t need to complete it if you may skip it and head to the next one then comeback when you need that couple of exp. Other MMOs still have that repetitive kitten questing system Talk to NPC A kill X Mobs talk back to NPC A talk to NPC B kill XX Mobs then talk to NPC C. Guild wars 2 have dynamic events system. I played Blade and Soul for a couple of hours then got BORED.
```Movement way too slow / too much walking – well that’s really a problem early game when your class dont have a movement buff(signet, boon etc), i can’t imagine a new player being so bored exploring the game. Most of the new players i talked to during their first hours of game enjoyed exploring how beautiful the game was.
```Warrior class , you’re stuck with 2 skills – They said warrior is the best class for being a “new player-friendly” class for new players because of the med~high dps/survivability etc , you can try other class yes but be prepare to be squishy when you’re in PvE considering you’re still new.
```Gear looks the same for countless hours – Please consider you’re still in the early game phase. To be honest, Guild Wars 2 is also known as Fashion Wars 2/Cosmetics Wars 2 etc. So much fashion gearing endgame.
```Dont have the resources / money to lvl up crafter (i pickup / harvest anything i can) – Just gather all nodes you can see, you will definitely use it in the future.
```Need to lvl faster, heard i should stick with lower lvl places so im doing that and got a tip i should do dungeons gonna try that today – For the first few levels yeah it’s good to stick and complete the 5 Starting Areas(for the 5 Races) but Guild Wars 2 has a DEMINISHING RETURNS mechanics
(https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diminishing_returns) so don’t stay on a map doing events again and again.
1. Do 5 starting areas with 100% map completion each Level 1~15
2.Do 15~25 maps like Brisban Wildlands, Kessex Hills.
3. Do story ~10lvls increments of 10
4.Do Edge of The Mists leveling (Follow a commander then do events, capture towers,points etc)
5.Consume Food/Nourishment and Utility Food for that extra +10~20% experience.
6.Try watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf56mu6O4fM and other videos for new players
7. Enjoy the game, no need to rush… really…
8.JOIN A GUILD. You’re missing chunk of your gw2 experience playing when you’re not in a guild, they will help you on soo many things.
(edited by Dvantaman.3617)
I suggest you do a combination of stuff.
1. Dont just do the same dynamic events unlock the areas that you can do at your level. That way you get the xp from exploring as well.
2. Make sure you do the hero points and vistas. These also give you xp.
3. Fit in A Dungeon or 2 when you unlock one.
4. don’t forget to forage for ore/wood/plants. This helps level as well.
You will also find some events that count for the hearts so its like doing 2 quests in 1. Dont be afraid to ask if there are any current events in map chat. People will often paste the way points in chat.
If you do all this and mix it up leveling will seem more enjoyable. You actually get a good amount of xp for exploring.
“3) I really don’t get that question.”
Its like we both explained basicly, you are forced to wear a horn for movement speed as secundairy instead of using a gun to unleash a volley at an enemy and then quickly switch to your great sword and smash the enemy.“Like I said, EotM will give be one of the best way to level up, but not everybody like it.”
I googled this quickly, this is PVP? 0__0… so PVP is the best way to lvl up… ok 0__0Any quick way of earning gold in this game?.
Tnx for the reply though.
Take a look into your Hero Panel for Achievement Points! When you reach a certain level you will get Chest which you can choose between rewards and gradually get more Gold for each step up.
Do your Daily’s for AP and for some rewards! In PvE you will get some mats doing gathering and PvP you get some items that you can level up with. WvW will give you some items for going up in WvW rank (but there is Proof of Battle which you can turn into HP).
Make sure to go through your Personal Story as that both will reward you with some gear and later give you access to the rest of Living Story. Completing PS will also give XP. Depending if you have Heart of Thorns or just F2P version, you will also have a Mastery track which will give you swiftness in cities at least for Core Tyria (in Hero Panel those are marked with Red stars). You will also have access to Gliding in Tyria when you complete Mastery Point track in Maguuma (Green star in Hero Panel) to open up Gliding.
Make sure that you craft weapon and armour on regular basis (around 10 level each time) while you are levelling up as you gain XP for crafting and you will also feel gradually that your stats are improving. Going from 1 to 2 and later 3 stats make a big difference when you enter high level zones.
Depending in which crafting discipline you pick (but for warrior it would be best to pick armorsmith (heavy; soldier class) and weaponsmith). When you level up crafting in Armorsmith you will also have access to learn and craft Runes. There are runes that you have can not buy on Black Lion TP, so it is useful to actually have armorsmith for more then crafting your own armour or to refine and sell on TP mats. The same thing goes for weaponsmith where you also will learn and later be able to craft sigils for weapon. Each time you “discover” or “learn” new recipes you will gain XP and it is worth to collect those crafting booster you might get from doing PS or map completion. You can also buy those in Gem store.
If you play sPvP or WvW you will also get Scrolls of Knowledge, Proof of Battle etc which can be use to level up you toon faster, but be careful to not level up too fast as there are things (rewards) that might change by doing this.
You will get Gold when your toon hit higher level from doing events in higher level like WB and from selling item with at least rare or exotic items which isn’t soulbound or account bound. You can also salvage items (incl those you can’t sell because those have been soulbound or are account bound) and sell mats from those items.
Ectoplasma (ecto) is very important for crafting high level gear, so that is something you would want to first collect for yourself in your material storage and later sell when you don’t need it. As I said, you will also gain more gold when you improve your AP, so that should also be one of your priorities to increase as you level up your toons.
Are we sure this person hasn’t accidentally turned on the walking toggle or something ridiculous. Movement speed in GW2 isn’t overly slow. It doesn’t take very long to get anywhere, even without a speed boost.
Maybe the game just isn’t for you. Nobody else can make you enjoy it, and people trying to justify the games design isn’t going to change how it feels to you. Accept that not every game is designed with you as the ideal player.