Superior Rune of Rage info needed
I can’t really answer either as I’m not sure.
I think you can test out the +5% in sPvP using one of the static weapons and just using fury a few times without the 6th rune, then a few times with the 6th rune.
If this still hasn’t been answered I’ll try it out tonight
RIP in peace Robert
Seems that stat is still bugged. If there is no way to get this rune then how are people acquiring it to sell on the TP?
You find an exotic piece of armor with that rune and salvage it.
[SFD] – Maguuma
I wouldn’t recommend it as it has one of the mathematically lowest dps output (not looking at the utility parts of it, such as +20% fury duration) among dps runes.
Then what would you recommend as an alternate rune? This for a dps warrior btw
I enjoy rune of the citadel on my warrior
80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.