Superior Studded Shoulders in PvE
i am pretty sure it is [&AgG7GAAA]. from personal story. this will make me mad
Providing a screenshot or a name at least would be helpful instead of just the chat code.
it is pvp superior studded shoulders. in pve they are called studded shoulders. they are a rewards for level 22 personal story for medium characters.
All personal story items can be acquired otherwise as well. Karma I believe, check here and see if that’s the one you are thinking about.
Sorry, don’t know which vendor to check.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
All personal story items can be acquired otherwise as well. Karma I believe,
Nope, there are quite a fair bit of pvp and story rewards that don’t exist in normal PvE areas. The studded shoulders are one of it. Most likely an old model that escaped scrapping in PvP and story.
Hmm, I stand corrected then. If the OP has the PvP version he can try changing it to a PvE skin? Thought that should be possible now with the new update, haven’t tried myself.
Edit: Not in game right now, you can try these maybe [&AgGDEgAA]
At least I remember the heavy version was one-sided.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
(edited by Rouven.7409)
dont worry everyone. i got the item. just had to get a medium armor character to level 22 story mode, get the item. transmute it so it became account bound. then transmute it to the piece i wanted it to be. but yea there are rare armor pieces you can only get from personal story. i checked all the karma vendors because armor sites showed it as karma armor, but it isnt. the armor sites just go to the mists, preview a set, and call it where most of it comes from
Thanks for the info. I was going crazy looking for these particular shoulders. It really sucks that there are certain items that are only available once in the game, like the thieves starter hoods or these shoulders.
All personal story items can be acquired otherwise as well. Karma I believe,
Nope, there are quite a fair bit of pvp and story rewards that don’t exist in normal PvE areas. The studded shoulders are one of it. Most likely an old model that escaped scrapping in PvP and story.
So far, other than the starting gear I’ve not seen anything thats exclusive to story/pvp
The studded leather thats obtainable from the story quest is also droppable by random mobs.
So far, other than the starting gear I’ve not seen anything thats exclusive to story/pvp
The studded leather thats obtainable from the story quest is also droppable by random mobs.
If that were the case they would be avilable on the trading post, which they are not. There are medium armor items available that are called “superior studded”, but neither shoulders nor helmets for it.
yes dasorine, the superior studded items are available from normal drops, except the shoulders and mask, those are only available from personal story rewards.
glad i could help yourself. i play a shield engineer and this is the only right side only shoulder for engineer to go with my left hand shield. i simply leveled another medium character up to the story point where i could get the shoulder and transmuted to make it account bound, then put it on my engineer.