Swapping pets and pet dialogue.

Swapping pets and pet dialogue.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Evil Comrad.5786

Evil Comrad.5786


This may sound like a stupid question.

I started playing Gw2 again since a long absence.
Some major changes happened in that period.

I created a new sylvari ranger, she is lvl 4 now and has tamed about 4 pets already (HoM ones including the fern hound).

I don’t see the pet swap skill anywhere (it used to be above the weapon skills as shown in the attachment).
Nothing happens when i press ‘f4’ nor can’t i open the pet dialogue with ‘k’.

My question now is: do i need to be a certain level to get the swap skill and pet inventory or is this a bug?

thanks in advance,


(edited by Evil Comrad.5786)

Swapping pets and pet dialogue.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


You need to be a certain level. This was changed in the most recent feature patch in September. The below link will tell you what unlocks at what level -


[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

Swapping pets and pet dialogue.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Evil Comrad.5786

Evil Comrad.5786


This list is very helpful, i don’t see the pet swapping unlock anywhere in there but i guess i will see it when i level up some more.
Anyway i’m glad its not a bug.

Thank you very much,

Swapping pets and pet dialogue.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


No worries. It’s not called pet swapping in the list. If you look at level 5 it says “Profession skill 1 unlocked”, and next to it is the little Ranger Paw with “Profession skills 3 and 4 unlocked.”. So for a character like an Engineer at level 5 they unlock the F1 skill whereas a ranger will unlock F1, F3 and F4 at level 5. Your F2 skill will unlock at level 13.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

Swapping pets and pet dialogue.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Evil Comrad.5786

Evil Comrad.5786

I’m now level 5 and i got the swap skill (or profession skill 1).
I guess i asked this question a bit to early because immediately after i replied, i leveled up and got the skill.

i guess i just wanted to make sure i wasn’t leveling up a bugged character.
Anyway i’m glad it’s all worked out now.