Swift Arrow Skill Quest

Swift Arrow Skill Quest

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SteveK.5827


Doing an early Sylvanian Skill Quest where I go over a bridge and have to fight Swift Arrow but nothing seems to happen.
Many other players are just standing around too so are we mising something ?

Swift Arrow Skill Quest

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


It’s possible that it’s bugged.

Normally, you speak to Swift Arrow, fight and defeat him to gain the skill point. But it’s possible that he is glitched somehow and not actually present. It’s generally a pretty straightforward skill point to obtain (though the fight can be difficult, it’s not hard to understand what you need to do).

On the Tarnished Coast server we’re seeing a similar glitch in Metrica Province, with the skill point NPC simply missing.

Swift Arrow Skill Quest

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SteveK.5827


Must be a bug because he is not there, just the orange fist on the map.

Swift Arrow Skill Quest

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Branwin.4609


Unfortunately for whatever reason many skill points of this nature (fight an NPC for your skillpoint) are bugged. A few times the reset was just bugged and they came back eventually. During week 1 post release I experienced the bug with Swift Arrow and had to wait until server resets for him to appear. I’m experiencing the same thing at the moment with a Hylek in Metrica Province. Once again it’s the last skillpoint I need for 100% completion of that map. Oh well. Just be patient, these things are common now but soon the kinks will all be worked out and skill points will operate more smoothly.