Swiftness and Duration Stacking
What they’re referring to are things like the movement speed bonuses provided by signets and traits. Just like the bolded portion of the description states.
The 25% bonus I get from the Warrior’s Swiftness trait or Signet of the Locust on my Necro don’t stack with the 33% movement speed bonus from Swiftness.
If I however have activated Signet of Rage for 30 sec of Swiftness, then activated Warhorn #4 for 10 sec of Swiftness I’d net 40 sec of Swiftness opposed to 66% movement speed increase.
Boons and Conditions can either stack in duration or intensity.
For boons examples would be Swiftness or Regeneration (duration) vs. Might (intensity).
For conditions examples would be Burning or Poison (duration) vs. Bleeding or Confusion (intensity).
I hope that helps.
the swiftness boon stacks with itself, increasing the duration.
the swiftness boon does not stack with any other movement speed increase.