Target of Target

Target of Target

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kryank.8069


Hi All,
This could be me being a noob, but is there a show Target of Target option? This is something I have got used to in so many mmo’s but can’t seem to find it hear, I think this is crucial to see what the boss is targeting in PvE, (and pvp for that matter).

Thanks for any help.

Proud Member of [TaG] Gunnar’s Hold (EU)

Target of Target

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: davelid.1984


There isn’t, as far as I know, but if you’re in a party you can Ctrl+T to call out a target and everyone else can press T to target the same.

Target of Target

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kryank.8069


Thanks for the reply, it was manly to see who the target was targeting, or who had Agro rather than target assisting,

Proud Member of [TaG] Gunnar’s Hold (EU)

Target of Target

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cosmatman.9306


With no ToT system, a crude way of seeing if you have aggro is if the boss turns to you. When i am dpsing as melee or ranged i stand to the sides or behind the boss. If he turns to me i will go into survival/healing mode. If i’m melee that happens right away, if i’m ranged and the boss is a melee type mob i have a little bit of time before he gets to me.

Target of Target

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maverick.6485


Yeah it’s kinda tough at first. I also do as Cosmatman said. Also, it takes doing dungeons a couple times to see what attacks the bosses do, and who it hits depending on where he’s facing. It gets easier once you get to know the bosses animations as well.

It’s a little bit tougher in this game due to how fast the combat is, and all the spell effects from your group mates. So like I said before, doing this dungeons over and over again really help you figure out who the boss is attacking.