Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: symke.3105


I have been in several Tequatl fights and half of those have failed. And what happens is, that usually after such failed attempts, chat if filled with various comments.
Among the most heated ones are those that promote players do not revive others, as that lowers their DPS.

If I do try to revive others, I do lower my own DPS, but that player is back in the fight sooner, which makes general DPS bigger. If I don’t revive others, I keep doing damage, but we, as a group, can feel the lack of that player’s DPS, which is waiting for someone to revive her/him or is travelling back from WP.

I have also seen many chat calls to stack under Tequatl’s feet, but I don’t see how that can help, since those under his feet are usually the ones that die first.

So, what is the best strategy or tactics for this Boss?

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: metaldude.4132


What you DO:
Get DOWNED people up (which should be fast if zerk is playing compact and balanced)

What you DO NOT DO:
Rezz DEAD people. The time they need to respawn and get back in the fray almost equals the time needed for them to be rezzed.
In this case, it is DPS minus 1 player…
If you do rezz them, it is DPS minus 2 players. (the dead player and you rezzing instead of attacking)

Furthermore, there is a strategy to prevent dying underneath Tequila’s feet..it involves the players :

1. Dodge the waves
2. have CC removal (for fear)

And ALSO turreteers, which main tasks are:
1. Use turret skill 2 to lower tequila’s scales (PRIORITY ONE! )
2. Use Turret skill 3 on zerk(s) when AOE fields appear on them
3. Use Turret skill 4 & 5 to provide boons , both offensive as defensive
4. In between turret skill 1 to do just damage

Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: symke.3105


What you DO:
Get DOWNED people up (which should be fast if zerk is playing compact and balanced)

What you DO NOT DO:
Rezz DEAD people. The time they need to respawn and get back in the fray almost equals the time needed for them to be rezzed.
In this case, it is DPS minus 1 player…
If you do rezz them, it is DPS minus 2 players. (the dead player and you rezzing instead of attacking)

Furthermore, there is a strategy to prevent dying underneath Tequila’s feet..it involves the players :

1. Dodge the waves
2. have CC removal (for fear)

And ALSO turreteers, which main tasks are:
1. Use turret skill 2 to lower tequila’s scales (PRIORITY ONE! )
2. Use Turret skill 3 on zerk(s) when AOE fields appear on them
3. Use Turret skill 4 & 5 to provide boons , both offensive as defensive
4. In between turret skill 1 to do just damage

I heard it said, you do not get such a good reward for manning the turret as you do for fighting Tequatl directly. Is that true?

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


Note that in the normal PUG Tequatl fights, the two northernmost turrets (usually called 5 and 6) are unable to reach the zerg to cleanse or buff them. Turret 4 can have trouble reaching if a significant portion of the zerg is ranging rather than melee’ing. Also, turret operators can stand in front of the turret to have a tiny bit more range.

Turret operators get full credit during the initial 25% and during the burn phases. During defense phases, you’ll go to a battery or the laser and do one of those events. Staying on your turret will probably not give you defense credit (even if you fire on fingers or mobs at the megalaser), but that’s not needed since the turrets are invulnerable during that phase.

If you do the important job of clearing any remaining fingers on the beach during the defense phase, you’ll get bronze credit for the Megalaser defense. It still counts as credit and barring bugs, will give you that defenses chest; however it’s kind of insulting that you only get bronze.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


I heard it said, you do not get such a good reward for manning the turret as you do for fighting Tequatl directly. Is that true?

You get the rewards from the events, so if you complete them you’ll get the same rewards as the others.
People usually don’t want to use the turrets because it is a bit of pressure, it is a very key role in the Teq fight and can decide the victory or defeat.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: metaldude.4132


Symke, if you like to see how it is done, you are welcome to join one of the guilds who are dedicated to tequatl kills.
I am one of the Turreteers of the FTF (Fsp Tequatl Fighters). I Assume seeing your name you might be from EU (and Netherlands..even Friesland to be more precise..since SYmke sounds Fries )
We fight Tequatl every day from 20:00 (Dutch time, but be available from 19:30 on since the map fills up real quick)). No representation required, only for the Tequatl event.

Being able to be on TeamSpeak is advisable, but not mandatory (as long as you are able to follow directions in map chat)

You’re welcome

Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.

(edited by metaldude.4132)

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Don Zardeone.8730

Don Zardeone.8730

Rez the single downed people. Sometimes, kittens happen and you get downed. Double down (fully dead) people should respawn.

Warriors will always bring battle standard to the fight (please?) and will throw that down when multiple people die. So Single downs may get rezzed during those times. Some other classes have similar skills.

Tequatl cannot be critted. You can’t do critical damage to teq, so precision and ferocity stats do nothing. To maximise damage, you need high power. That’s your power from equipment and power from might. You also get power from banner of strength and some other skills n traits.

Since you can only use power, that leaves 2 stats open and people usually bring PTV armor. Power, Toughness, Vitality, also known as Soldier’s armor.

If you have a wvw defensive set that’s fine too. This is usually ptv or knights or similar but ptv is preferred because ithas power primary stat.

When using defensive armor and stats, and knowing how to dodge or jump over the waves, and sticking close to the commander, you’ll rarely die.

I myself, when I’m in the zerg, offer a bet to anyone willing to take it. 1g if I die, 1g if they die. Nobody has taken me on yet. If they had I’d be so much richer. Then again I only started doing this recently, so we’ll see.

Why stay close to commander? Because the turrets will try to land their buffs on the commander. This means whoever is close to commander will get turret buffs. Also, all the people who know what they’re doing will be close to commander so you get all their boons and trait buffs too. Commander will also usually stand in double or triple damage spots so teq dies faster. The faster teq dies or the shorter the period of time we’re in a non-burn (the time where teq and other stuff comes to attack you and damage you) the better.
And then there’s also the fact that turrets prioritise cleansing the commander spot.

Here’s a cool anecdote:

I usually get a build and a position where, if things go south (as in, go bad), I can step in and save the day. I’ve frequently stepped in as a necro and held a defensive spot by myself while the downed party runs back. One time 3 different positions got wiped one after the other and I held those areas to prevent mobs from reaching the turrets.

Few days ago I was on one of the hills teams in a teq that was prepped haphazardly. I noticed the damage wasn’t coming in very well. Our team didn’t need me that much so I went in to check what the zerg was doing.

The zerg had a pin but the pin didn’t stand in the right spot. The person was using a ranged build and kept moving around, making it hard for turrets to focus on one particular area. The pin died and I asked for a DPS pin and more pins popped up but they all died one after the other. I told my team I’d go take over as zerg pin and I wouldn’t be coming back to my def position. I pinned up at the melee spots and stayed there, stayed alive, held strong and we recovered. Got first burn, didn’t go directly to battery phase but a minute or so later. Second burn, instant phase. Third burn win with 40 seconds left on the clock.

Key here was a stable pin. As soon as people had a focus point that doesn’t go all over the place, the map recovered and won.

This anecdote relates to ressing because as soon as we stabilised, the amount of people who died went down significantly. Turrets had a solid target point, zerg had a solid stacking points, ranged eles had a solid conjured weapon dropoff point, defensive and healing boons and skills had a solid target point.

People who still die in this situation:
- Don’t know what they’re doing yet (notice the “yet”, they’ll hopefully learn eventually)
- Are trying something new (which is good, we need innovators)
- Are having bad luck (it happens)

If you don’t know what you’re doing then ressing you means you’ll probably die again. It’s better to run back and change equipment on the run than it is to take several people out of the fight multiple times.

If you’re trying something new and it fails, you probably need more experience at the new thing or the new thing probably doesn’t work which means you’ll die again, same issue.

If you’re having bad luck but you know what you’re doing you’ll do the swim back because you know it’s important to just port and run than it is to stay and take people’s time.

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azrael.4960


So, what is the best strategy or tactics for this Boss?

I have commanded quite a lot of Tequatl runs and have yet to fail. I have to give credit to the commanders that I used to run with for their teachings.

There are 4 locations typically used for this event. Clockwise from Sparkfly Fen waypoint

1. East Turret
2. “Ranged” group – Typically for players with weapons of range 1200 and higher (Necros, Mesmers, Rangers)
3. “Melee” group – typically for players with weapons of range up to 900 (Warriors, Guardians and Thieves)
4. West Turrets

Groups 2 and 3 don’t actually have a restrictive composition, but that’s how most people would refer to them. These days there’ll be just a mass of random classes. The important thing is for them to be up and keeping the DPS on Teq.

There are two phases in the fight, if all goes smoothly. There’s the starting “DPS” phase, where players just shoot Tequatl. Turret operators must use turret skill 2 to remove the Hardened Scales buff. They also need to look out for big red AOEs that appear at the ranged and melee groups and fire cleansing shots onto them. They should also watch for the same AOE’s under each other’s turrets and cleanse those too. When those skills are on cool down, they use skill 1 to shoot Teq.

Turret defense teams have 2 spawn zones to watch for. At East turrets, there is a spawn zone in the shipwreck east of the turrets and another behind the turrets near the way point. At West turrets, there is a shipwreck west of the turrets and also behind the turrets. The swamp spawns come first then the ones behind. These need to be cleared quickly else they’ll overwhelm the defenders with champions and elites.
East turrets can have a hard time if Teq fears the ranged group into the spawn zone as they can upscale the spawns into champs and elites. If champs spawn, a few players need to hold the champ off while other players clear the other lower mobs.

Depending on how well the burn phase is going, there may be as many as 3 spawn rotations. If it’s going badly, you might even see 5 spawn rotations.

Ranged and Melee groups shoot Tequatl and also his fingers when they appear. Guardians and Mesmers need to watch for big projectiles that Teq fires and pop shields or reflects.

When his HP drops 25%, Teq will fly away and everyone needs to get to a laser battery and the laser itself. This is “Laser phase” and consists of 4 events

1. East Turret defenders go to East Battery – Defenders need to stop the plague carriers from reaching the battery. Knock backs, immobilises and cripples are a must here.
2. Melee group goes to the Laser – Defenders must keep the mobs off the laser particularly a Champion Krait Hypnoss as it can do a lot of damage to it.
3. Ranged group goes to West battery – Nothing special, just kill the mobs and fingers
4. West Turret defenders go to North Battery. – Defenders must stomp the grub holes to stop veteran grubs spawning. They’re not tough but can cause extra Risen mobs to spawn if unchecked.

When the timer drops to 20 seconds, all players return to the beach (except turret operators who return to their turrets) where Teq lands, this is “Burn Phase”. The laser fires and he falls. Warriors should drop banners of strength, Elementalists drop fire fields and everyone blasts for might. If there is sufficient DPS, the next Laser phase happens. If not, everyone has to return to their positions and drop Teq to the next 25% HP marker. Laser phases happen whenever Teq’s HP drops by 25% so there are 3 in all.

If all goes well, the event should follow this sequence:
[Initial DPS phase → Laser phase → burn phase → Laser phase → burn phase → Laser phase → Final burn phase.

If player damage is low you might see extra DPS phases between a burn and laser phase:
Initial DPS phase → Laser phase → Burn phase → DPS Phase → Laser phase…

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: metaldude.4132


There is a reason why Tequatl runs are organised


Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It’s the same with most big, timed events, like the Silverwastes, Jungle Wurm, even normal world bosses.

You can and should rally downed people (those who are still moving and can heal/rally themselves using their 4 skills). But ressurecting dead people just takes too much time, and may actually be impossible if there’s still damage coming in (particularly large AoEs).

It’s better for the dead person to go to the waypoint and run back. It often takes less time and it means just 1 person is out of the fight instead of two or more.

The common problem seems to be that a lot of people are worried if they’re outside of the range of the event when that phase ends they won’t get their reward, so they’d rather lie dead on the floor and hope they did enough damage to get credit.

I haven’t done Tequatl in ages but I know that’s not the case with Silverwastes. You could be anywhere on the map and you’ll get the same reward as everyone else when the event ends.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It’s the same with most big, timed events, like the Silverwastes, Jungle Wurm, even normal world bosses.

You can and should rally downed people (those who are still moving and can heal/rally themselves using their 4 skills). But ressurecting dead people just takes too much time, and may actually be impossible if there’s still damage coming in (particularly large AoEs).

It’s better for the dead person to go to the waypoint and run back. It often takes less time and it means just 1 person is out of the fight instead of two or more.

The common problem seems to be that a lot of people are worried if they’re outside of the range of the event when that phase ends they won’t get their reward, so they’d rather lie dead on the floor and hope they did enough damage to get credit.

I haven’t done Tequatl in ages but I know that’s not the case with Silverwastes. You could be anywhere on the map and you’ll get the same reward as everyone else when the event ends.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

You could be anywhere on the map and you’ll get the same reward as everyone else when the event ends.

I’m pretty sure this is universal across the entire game. If you contribute to an Event enough to “trigger”, you will get the reward as long as you don’t leave the map. Now the actual EVENT reward (XP, Karma, gold) will be dependent upon your level of participation (BRONZE / SILVER / GOLD).

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aro.8275


Also handy to bring are the rez skills, use on people downed in the middle of a few aoe fields and bam they can dodge out back to fighting. Better ones work on multiple people, mesmer one is both hilarious and lame at the same time…

Tequatl fight - revive others or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zention.1849


That’s not entirely true. You won’t get the same rewards as players participating in the whole event chain if not playing actively.
You won’t get the extra event boni if not defending the batteries, for instance.

Also it’s a little different with world bosses – you will only get loot when dealing enough damage on the boss before its death. But you will get loot regardless of the boss’s success or failure. Reward granted will only be higher if succeeding.

Also chests don’t have an unlimited time to be looted. If not interacted with them they will disappear after a certain time.

Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto