Tequatl's Tail Flail Achievement
stand behind Tequatl, right where the water meets dry sand, right on the water line. Get a good view of his left foot. When he stomps his left foot, dodge left or right. works every time.
Or stand behind tequatil and wait to be feared into the water, worked for me I still have no idea how i got it but that did the trick.
All are applicable =p
IGN: Soren the Always Lost
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
Being feared into the water worked for me. Just stand behind him and DON’T dodge.
Server: Devona’s Rest
The fearchievement is real. Stood at the waters edge and did nothing. Got feared, got the achievement lol. Weirdest one yet.