The 20th point of interest wayfarer foothills
Northeastern most part, the new Living Story mission will get it for you when you enter Craigstead.
how? It won’t let me in.
You need to go through the new Living Story from it’s roots which I believe for the Wayfarer’s Foothills POI it starts in Hoelbrak. If I remember that right.
“They say you are what you eat.
Which is funny ‘cause I don’t remember eating a f.ing legend”
I have edited this comment because Mercury Ranique is absolutely right, there is no excuse for my original rant. I wrote it after over an hour of frustration when I had planned a “quick” late night-before-workweek map completion. I was frustrated by trying to get to a skill point and poi clearly visible inside Cragstead, but on arrival I was asked if I wanted to “relive” the event to get in the gate. Had I done this event with this alt or another one? I couldn’t remember and had no way to know. The hero panel only shows completion for the account, with no way to know if this alt had done it. I really wanted to finish the map, so I figured, well my character is low level, but this is a beginner area, so I’ll polish off the event to get the last two points. Over an hour later, with my armor demolished and a tough solo fight because the NPC died like a lemming, I defeated the boss and exited to find that the skill point and poi were still there taunting me, undone.
I lost it and wrote an aggressive rant that indeed did not show the best quality of my character. Thanks for pointing that out and letting me correct that.
I still think this is extremely confusing to have a new area/event overlapping old content with no ability to figure out how alts can interact with it, but I do appreciate the help. This is a great forum area.
(edited by Pyx.1906)
These event’s can be repeated. For the one in Wayfairer foothills go to the Black citadel first, enter rytlocks office. There is an NPC to replay the dialogue. Watch it and talk to the norn npc to meethim in Houbrak.. Go there, enter Knut’s lodge, watch that cutscene again then go to the gate and your allowed in.
And please less agressive in your posts. It isn’t good for your blood pressure and doesn’t show your best quality of character.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
OK first to get the new Waypoint in Crigstead all you need to do is run up to the gates, you will need to get right up on them for it to trigger. You do not need to go into the mission.
The issue that Pyx is having is that there is a point of interest and a skill point (that have always been there) underneath Crigstead in the spider cave; you will need to go around the side of the mountain to find the entrance to the cave.
Nevermore, I haven’t logged on to check this, but I’m sure you are right; the skill and poi are what I was trying to get to and they appear to be at the site of the boss fight in the Cragstead instance, but could well be underneath! I did trigger the new poi as you mentioned, but did not have the original ones, which I thought were also inside Cragstead. I will look for the other entrance and finish these off, thanks for your help.
This skill point and PoI is under Cragstead. It’s a cave with a Veteran Spider guarding it.
If you go around the cliff from the entrance to Cragstead, the entrance to the cave is on you right.