The Predator's Path PS

The Predator's Path PS

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leeny.5362


Hi All,
I’m stuck on this part in the personal story where I am following the disks. Now I am near Chak Hollow waypoint looking for that star and I only come across a dead frog. I can interact, but nothing happens. No disk and the story doesn’t continue. Am I interacting with the wrong things? Is the star somewhere else? Any help is appreciated. I’m pulling my hair out. lol

(edited by leeny.5362)

The Predator's Path PS

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Did you talk to the Savage Norn yet? The last disk is up in the tree trunk to the west of the Chak Hollow WP. The big fallen tree trunk at Jawatl Grounds. You’ll need to walk into the trunk and take the updraft up.