The best stats for me
Don’t tell me to learn to dodge because anyone who’s played sword ranger would know that it’s impossible to dodge effectively.
Eerr.. Learn to dodge?
Built-in evades in Sword#2, Sword#3
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Valkyrie if you have access to fury or have plenty of crit % chance.
Knights otherwise.
I have a Sword/Torch Ranger with shortbow secondary, and I find it greatly suited to condition gear.
To that end, she has all CD/pow/v gear, or “Carrion”.
I think she may be better off with some Rabid gear (CD/pre/t) mixed in there, but overall, taking advantage of Sword/Torch’s natural propensity to dish out conditions seems to be a good idea.
To clarify: I can get a lot of damage-over-time conditions applied very quickly to one or more targets with this build and re-apply them easily, so making sure these conditions do the most damage possible only seems sensible.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.