The drop rate for legendary precursors?

The drop rate for legendary precursors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gek.6041


Anyone know the drop rate for this ones? so far all I have seen are “Very Unlikely, Rare etc..” but no specific number or percentage chance

The drop rate for legendary precursors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


It’s not something that has ever been disclosed. A-net has said that, in terms of mystic forge use, your chances are ‘better’ with exotics than with rares…. but I’ve never seen an actual drop rate published or verified.

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

The drop rate for legendary precursors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mapokl.3167


The exact percentage was never announced by Anet, and is not sth that can be simply tested by players.

Would it make you feel better if you know that the chance in MF when combining exotics is 0,00025 and not 0,0003 or 0,00022?

It’s like this meteo programs. Like it would make difference if they say “Today there was 35% chance for rain, tomorrow there will be 30%” instead of, “There’s a chance it will rain tomorrow”

The drop rate for legendary precursors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


They seem to be dropping an awful lot lately in WvW. Don’t know why…. have had reports in our thread alone of people looking in their bags at the end of the day after killing enemies and surprised (and delighted) to find a precursor there.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

The drop rate for legendary precursors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gek.6041


So they pulled a “Valve” on us eh

The drop rate for legendary precursors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LasergunsPewPew.8234


They seem to be dropping an awful lot lately in WvW. Don’t know why…. have had reports in our thread alone of people looking in their bags at the end of the day after killing enemies and surprised (and delighted) to find a precursor there.

i can agree with this, 2 days ago i got the precursor for the legendary trident in wvw. And i almost never drop any exotics there