The goldest gold
Pyre is definitely my favorite gold on metallic armors but I’m not totally sure on the cloth of the pirate outfit
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Illumination is an option, so is Redemption, although the latter is more of a very rich yellow. However on very metallic armours, they come out as a very gold colour.
Harvest Gold and Honey are good choices.
I usually just go with Gold and Antique Gold.
I’m partial to a darker gold colors so I often go with Dijon. Antique Gold gives a good sheen on metallic materials. Swamp Grass is also a darker gold color that works well on some cloth and leather materials.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I like the ‘Ice’ colors for cloth gear. It’s a hue available for different colors, most of them quite cheap because they are super common.
Pyre if you’ve got some gold liing (lying?) around.
I wonder if there’s a dude somewhere in the world frantically buy/reselling those colors trying to make some cash now ^^
Interest suggestions and variants. I’m going to go peruse what I have and the TP to see if I can’t fill in some gaps. Thanks!
I’d say Illumination for metallic and cloth surfaces, but it tends to look strangely brownish on leather surfaces. I ended up using White Gold for leather sections.
I haven’t seen it mentioned yet, but I quite like Sand dye for my heavy armor gold hues. It’s a bit more of a washed out gold slightly darker than Antique Gold, so your armor looks a bit timeworn instead of brand new shiny gold.
Trollberius- Charr Guardian
Drink The Antidote- Human Engineer
Try banana. Not even joking, on some materials it looks like pudding, but on others it reminds me very much of the metal.
Crafting is designed for gear accessibility, not profit.
More interesting things to try, thanks!
Honey Ice or Pastel Honey if you are looking for a yellowish gold instead of an orangeish gold
Redemption is my absolute favorite yellow/gold.