The hidden 10% "tax" on Trading Post sales...
It’s in the wiki, but yes, it should also be pointed out on the TP but it’s not.
asked and answered many times.
And the reason I feel like an kitten for buying on the trading post – most common enough items are sold at just over the merchant price, which means the poor sap is screwing himself for selling to me.
Actually, if I dump stuff on the TP below what I could get from the vendor because I don’t want to stop what I’m doing to go find one, I don’t feel that I’m getting screwed. I’m still getting more money than if I destroyed it and I have room in my bags to pick up better stuff.
My time and my storage space is worth more than the 10c extra I’d get from the vendor.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
Like Pandemoniac says, you are all forgetting that your time is valuable. Both selling and buying.
Where your threshold lies is up to you, however.
That’s nice and all, the problem is the majority of players are not aware of the 10% selling tax.