The point of crafting?

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gopher.4562


So I am curious to know the point of crafting in Guild Wars 2.

All of the weapons/gear/unique armor sets come from dungeons w/ tokens or karma vendors. So what would be the purpose of leveling a crafting discipline?

The point of crafting?

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Posted by: MoJoe.9063


You can craft stuff that’s better than what you could find normally at your current level. You also get XP for both gathering materials and actually crafting things.

Borlis Pass
Azman – Asura Necromancer, Kemena – Human Guardian
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The point of crafting?

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Posted by: ZetaStriker.9142


The crafted clothing is also unique in appearance to discovered loot, from what I’ve seen so far, with each tier of armor having different appearances.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


You can also craft items with the specific stats you want. Where drops are random stats.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gopher.4562


Ahh, see — I’m currently level 80 and was attempting to level armosmith/weaponsmith thinking that they would have an ultimate purpose end game for different design templates.

It seems like there is only 1 model for each of the types of metal (Copper/Iron/Steel/ etc), but none of which (imo) seem to have the astonishing artwork that those unique dungeon sets have, making them a much less wanted commodity.

I could be wrong, it’s just what I gather from looking at different guides.

Can anyone comment on whether or not there are multiple different sets per tier?

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kal.2376


You can also craft bags, consumables, and weapon upgrades, which (as far as I know) do not come from dungeons. As others have mentioned, the xp is also very nice.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZetaStriker.9142


Normally, it’s something you would’ve crafted on the way to 80. If you’re already 80 and have the gear you need, you’re better off training Cooking. Food can give useful buffs no matter what level you are, or what equipment you wear.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Once you become crafting lvl 400 in your chosen discipline, you can attempt to craft legendaries. They are supposed to have awesome skins!

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Erikon.6495


superior craft, and to earn some money

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZetaStriker.9142


I thought Legendaries were made in the Mystic Forge. Was that wrong?

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Xp from crafting, achievement points thru crafting xp dings, xp from harvesting the items to craft, selling your goods for a profit, discovering new recipes on discovery tab, it’s a neat system.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


I thought Legendaries were made in the Mystic Forge. Was that wrong?

I don’t honestly know much about Legendaries, other that they are end game crafting. I believe the Mystic Forge is involved in crafting them in some way.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZetaStriker.9142


I suppose it’s possible that some of the items you need for the Mystic Forge recipe come from crafting recipes though. I suppose I’ll find out when I get that far.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Taka.3957


You can craft the best gear in the game (exotics.)

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zatria.5783


I have salvaged every piece of gear I have found from level one (currently 52). You will not be crafting anything for the character until the end. Everything I can craft is still way below my character level, and always has been.

You don’t find enough materials to use crafting for anything on your first character. I guess, it would be more for any of your alts.

Maybe cooking is different? I stopped doing cooking due to the extreme costs.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AngelofAwe.4972


I have salvaged every piece of gear I have found from level one (currently 52). You will not be crafting anything for the character until the end. Everything I can craft is still way below my character level, and always has been.

You don’t find enough materials to use crafting for anything on your first character. I guess, it would be more for any of your alts.

Maybe cooking is different? I stopped doing cooking due to the extreme costs.

you’re wrong, i was crafting better armor than i found from drops all the way. greens all the way pretty much, once i hit lvl 80 i had a full green set and after i earned some money i used it to make my lvl 80 full exotic set.

Lv 80 Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


The point of crafting is for the legendary gear sets at 80. While yes you use the forge for them the items that go into it to make them are made by crafters. Sure you could buy the items but then again why not just make them and save some cash you can put toward something else. Not to mention if you keep your craft skill with your level your gears never really hindering you. At the moment though short of 400 crafting items your not really going to be making bank off of crafted items till the market improves as the mats if you buy anything tends to go for more than what you get from the finished product.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


I have salvaged every piece of gear I have found from level one (currently 52). You will not be crafting anything for the character until the end. Everything I can craft is still way below my character level, and always has been.

You don’t find enough materials to use crafting for anything on your first character. I guess, it would be more for any of your alts.

Maybe cooking is different? I stopped doing cooking due to the extreme costs.

That was the case for me when I tried leveling 2 disciplines that both required fine materials. Around level 40 I stopped leveling leatherworking and focused only on huntsman. Now I’m making better weapons than I can find from drops.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zatria.5783


I have salvaged every piece of gear I have found from level one (currently 52). You will not be crafting anything for the character until the end. Everything I can craft is still way below my character level, and always has been.

You don’t find enough materials to use crafting for anything on your first character. I guess, it would be more for any of your alts.

Maybe cooking is different? I stopped doing cooking due to the extreme costs.

you’re wrong, i was crafting better armor than i found from drops all the way. greens all the way pretty much, once i hit lvl 80 i had a full green set and after i earned some money i used it to make my lvl 80 full exotic set.

No, I’m not wrong. I didn’t write about what drops you are getting. I wrote about the game I am playing and the drops within them. And I tell you, I have salvaged every single piece I have found. I still can not make any items close to my current level, 54.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Basically, the legendaries all require a crafted rare item, which is then combined with several things in the mystic forge.

The major financial reasons for crafting are both the legendary components, and the extreme amount of rolls you can easily make in the mystic forge. Basically, as the rare drop rate is rather low, and many skins only drop on rare items, crafting is often the cheapest way to obtain rares, by crafting several greens and then combining them at the mystic forge for a much better chance at rolling rares, or simply rolling equivalent items with runes or inscriptions that can be salvaged out and sold.

Not only that, but crafting is the best way to get exactly the top tier stats you or a client wants on a piece of gear, which can then be transmuted with a rare skin to get exactly the mix of stats and look you or your clients want on a piece of gear!

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blitz.3627


For most people, it is quite easy to increase a crafting profession as you go along so that you can make armour relevant to your level. It is also easy to make items that you cannot use for several or many levels ahead of you (e.g. level 20 jeweller making level 50 items). If you are not getting the materials to do that then I would suggest that you have a style of play where you are forging ahead with levelling on a fast-track to 80 and/or trying to improve two similar crafting professions at the same time (e.g. make weapons and armour)

Crafting level-specific gear will almost always allow you to create better items for your items than you could obtain through drops or dungeons but only in terms of functionality – in fact the developers stated that the crafting professions will be the way to obtain the highest statistics for gear in the game. For looks, you need to buy the cool looking armour from the various vendors. To have both, you then use the transmutation stones so that your Hand-Made Suit of Protective Slaying becomes an Awesome-Looking Hand-Made Suit of Protected Slaying.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zatria.5783


If you are not getting the materials to do that then I would suggest that you have a style of play where you are forging ahead with levelling on a fast-track to 80 and/or trying to improve two similar crafting professions at the same time (e.g. make weapons and armour)

Here is my game playing style. I do the story line until that quest is about 3 levels higher than I am. Then, I go heart quests and events along the way. Now, I spend most of my time in lower zones I haven’t been to for the POI’s and Vistas. That about sums it up. If that is fast tracking, then there is a serious flaw in the progression model of this game. Ah should point out, I have dabbled in Pvp and WvW some too.

As for the most people comment, this is untrue. I have seen many people complaining about the same thing I am mentioning here. Visit other forums or even the in-game chat sometimes gets filled with it.

Their advice is, to go back and jut kill lowbie stuff over and over and over and over and over…………

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zz KCAllen zZ.1280

Zz KCAllen zZ.1280

If you want to make a legendary weapon, you need to craft the specific “ingredient” (gift of something which the recipes can be brought from a NPC). You need two specific crafting skills to craft those gift of something. All of the gift of something require 400 level crafting skills

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ralcore.9354


If you want to make a legendary weapon, you need to craft the specific “ingredient” (gift of something which the recipes can be brought from a NPC). You need two specific crafting skills to craft those gift of something. All of the gift of something require 400 level crafting skills

This is the best reason to level crafting skills. Yes, it can help to supplement gear as you level…if you cannot make gear at your level, you’re either spending too much time in areas designed for levels lower than you, or you’re not maximizing your XP from discovery. To level right, ideally you would never craft the same thing twice, which dramatically reduces the materials you need to use (discovery gives double XP, whereas crafting that item a second time probably will not give any bonus XP, unless you craft a bunch in a row…wasting materials).

80 Norn Guardian “Professor Whom”
<80 Char Warrior “Ralcore”

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vidiotking.1928


If you are not getting the materials to do that then I would suggest that you have a style of play where you are forging ahead with levelling on a fast-track to 80 and/or trying to improve two similar crafting professions at the same time (e.g. make weapons and armour)

Here is my game playing style. I do the story line until that quest is about 3 levels higher than I am. Then, I go heart quests and events along the way. Now, I spend most of my time in lower zones I haven’t been to for the POI’s and Vistas. That about sums it up. If that is fast tracking, then there is a serious flaw in the progression model of this game. Ah should point out, I have dabbled in Pvp and WvW some too.

As for the most people comment, this is untrue. I have seen many people complaining about the same thing I am mentioning here. Visit other forums or even the in-game chat sometimes gets filled with it.

Their advice is, to go back and jut kill lowbie stuff over and over and over and over and over…………

I’ll just throw my 2 copper in. I have had NO trouble crafting items at or just above my level, currently lvl 40, by just playing the game…. is it possible you’re not leveling up your crafting by discovery? Because if you don’t use discovery to level, you use A LOT more resources for a much lower rate of exp…. Just a thought.

Led Zeppelin, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Grateful Dead, & Miles Davis.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I gave up on crafting too, I was using discovery whenever possible but the armor was always too low level to be useful. Part of this is that I was limited on fine materials to discover more things. Eventually when my crafted stuf got high-level enough to be useful, I’d ran out of matereials. Then I’d level up and the crafted armor became more and more useless. Rinse and repeat.

I wish I’d just cooked. If I don’t level it enough, no problem, the food is always useful no matter what! And everyone loves logging in to a piece of yumminess in their mail, right? :-P

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Red Rover.9810

Red Rover.9810

Fine materials (and sometimes cloth) are usually the bottleneck for armorcrafting, even if you use Discovery to the fullest. The last 20 levels before the next tier are rough. The masterwork insignias require 8 of a particular fine material, which can take quite a while to farm up or somewhere in the range of 12-16 silver to purchase on the TP. So I’m not sure how people are keeping up with their character level unless they are doing a lot of farming (usually in lower level areas) or have a lot of coin (purchasing gold with cash in the store?).

BTW @vidiotking You have good taste in music.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Foxodi.4809


Like every other mmorpg, crafting is nothing but a money sink. It amazes me how many people continue to waste their gold on them.

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Baaz.8540


Exotics are the best gear in the game. Crafting lets you make exotics with specific stats. If those are the stats your going for then you can craft your way into the best gear. EXP Glass cannon armor Power/Precision/Crit damage is crafted. However buying a full set off the TP will be cheaper then leveling it. Benifit of leveling a crafting skill IMO is to either A. Go for legendaries, B. Make money. There is a option C which basically is you leveled Jeweler and cooking for 20 free levels of exp. (Went from 71-80 leveling cooking from 30-380)

The point of crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VendettaDFA.9368


Crafting allows an extra income flow and depending on what level you are can give you better gear to use. If …. If you end up starting into crafting late the gear will most likely be below your needs, but you simply sell it in the trading post or resalvage to continue to skill up until you find either a financial boost or enjoyable gear upgrade.