The right server.
When you log on during your peak time, what EU servers are showing as full or very heavy? They’re the ones to aim for. (So, in the case of a full server, you’d have to wait until an off-peak time when it shows as less than full, to transfer to it). Easy
Don’t you have to pay in order to transfer?
Not at present. Look to the bottom left of your character select screen. It’s not going to last forever, but it’s still available, at present, for free.
Not at present. Look to the bottom left of your character select screen. It’s not going to last forever, but it’s still available, at present, for free.
Free server transfers will last until GW2 population stabilises, we’re still in the pre-launch period where new people are joining and people who weren’t really into the game are leaving so knowing which servers will be high pop and low pop a few weeks down the line can be difficult.