Things to consider upon moving your guild to another home world...

Things to consider upon moving your guild to another home world...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Schmoopies.5241



My guild is in the process of changing our home world (moved from Dragonbrand to Crystal Desert):

1) Do we have to build up influence again to get a new guild bank on the new server in order to access our guild bank, if we can at all? Should we simply liquidate everything in the bank and start the guild bank over?

2) What happens to all of our guild influence once we are all transferred over? Does it simply stay on the old server forever?

3) Do we need to kick any residual inactive members before completely vacating the old home world (can re-invite them later)?

Let me know what else I may be overlooking, please.

Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur.


Things to consider upon moving your guild to another home world...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LordXy.4278


It stays on the old server. Once you transfered your guild will be back to 0. And no you dont have ot kick and residual inactive members. They could stay in the old world and you in your new world and still be guildmates. But the influence points only stay in the old world. It will go back to 0 in the new home world

Things to consider upon moving your guild to another home world...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Best thing to do is have one person to go ahead, and explain to you how it looks on the ’ other’ side.

For everyone who switched to the other side, all influence is gone and all upĆ¼dates are gone (or actually they stay on the old server). the guildroster, ranks, and members are still there (also the one on the old server, and guildchat stays open, so you can explain why everyone is over to the new server and let them decide to come as well or stay behind).

I don’t know bout the content of the guildbank, but assuming that world transfer stays free for enough time, I would suggest to build your bank again and check if the content is accessable from the new server once you unlock the npc (pls report that here, there have been questions bout that earlier and no clear answer). If the content is not accesable, make the vault only open for one to two people (if two make sure they trust each other, and make notes), who put all their belonging into the empty guildstash, this person goes to the old server, plays there solo for 24 hours, then loads his bags and bank (you can also put materials in the materials tab, just make sure, you keep note off what is yours and what is the guilds), returns to the new server, puts everything into the guildstash and takes out his own belongings. Cause you can use all characters, even with the deep cave full it should be possible to do it with one person, but if you must do it with two.

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