This mail is fake right? (Scam?)
Yes. It is scam. Report and delete.
Here is more on the issue:
Yes. Report it.
Mails from Anet are rare unless you’re having a problem or support is involved. I think it’s excellent they include that blurb underneath that the mail was sent by another player and not GW2 staff. Not only that, but a GM would never have such an incredibly stupid name like that. GM accounts are strictly for Anet employees on the clock and will have an appropriate name xD.
Yeah, I’ve had one of those in the last week or so. I was amused as heck that someone thought I’d fall for it despite the mail system putting the “not sent by the Guild Wars 2 team” alert on the bottom.
Report, delete, forget.
If it was from Anet it would have the Anet logo instead of an envelope
No Arenanet logo on the mail, its fake.
Regard others as you would normally, the internet is not justification for mistreating others