(edited by BattleCat.2098)
Tip of the day: Sell to tradint post
I know the TP flippers are going to be upset with me, but DO NOT EVER sell immediately. Your wallet will thank me in the long run.
The secret to making money on the TP is putting in SELL ORDERS and waiting a day or so for the higher amount of money to get accumulated.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Thanks, but I’d rather sell and get money right away, than waiting a day and get my gear in return when no one buys it.
But they do buy it. Just scan the listings. The first few sell prices are at 1 listing, 4 listings, 2 listings, 25 listings … list yours at the 25 level and wait. Keep in mind it’s a global TP so millions of people are using it and goods are flowing at a huge rate.
I mostly notice mithril ore prices since I don’t sell mats until I’m capped on both raw and processed forms, which is true only for mithril for me. There can be tens of thousands for sale … and then you get to, say, 65 copper a piece and there’s three times as much at that price as all the lower prices combined. At one point the huge mass was at 75 copper. I list at the first really big mass of items. And they do sell. Now and then I’ll look over my Selling tab and if I see something worth more than a few copper that hasn’t sold in two or three weeks, I’ll pull and relist.
I don’t make a really huge difference in net profit on any one item, I’m not dealing at the precursor level, but hey. Up to twice as much per item as I’d get for insta-selling? That adds up. (Very rough estimate, I’m not tracking the numbers precisely).
Thanks, but I’d rather sell and get money right away, than waiting a day and get my gear in return when no one buys it.
If you want to play it safe you could list it somewhere in the middle. You’ll get more coin that way and be less likely to to have someone under cut you.
Also your gear doesn’t get returned. It’ll stay there until someone buys it.
So gear stays until someone buys it? Meaning I’ll just be handing it to the TP for free? No thanks, I’ll just sell directly. Note that this is mostly for low-level players who need money quickly. Selling to the store is pointless. It was supposed to be a nice tip, and not drag out into a long discussion why selling to the TP is a bad idea.
True, it is better to sell to the TP than to vendors. But anyone taking the advice needs to know that with the tiniest bit of patience they’ll make even more gold. I usually have anything from a few copper to a few gold waiting for me when I log in after sorting out my inventory from one round of Silverwastes and posting anything to the TP that will sell for a greater net than vendor would give. I’d make more if I didn’t salvage all the blues and greens and keep the mats myself.
You’re not handing it for free. You’re just not getting paid inside of one second.
The other part of the advice that needs to be there is to check the listing fee and tax that will be deducted. If you won’t beat vendor value after subtracting those two amounts from your sale price, you’re losing money on the instant sell option.
Almost everything you list to sell will get sold. It might take a day or two but it will sell.
Think of it this way. You can sell something and get 1 silver right away or you can list it and get 2 or 3 silver or even more by waiting a couple of days to get your money. Sure you get your money fast your way but you can double or triple the amount you get by waiting.
ANet may give it to you.
To add to what I was saying earlier, how about a thought exercise?
(All numbers are made up for illustrative points)
Let’s say we have two people playing and they each get the same identical drops. Both sell to the trading post. Player A sells directly. Player B sells by sell order and averages 2.5 times more gold than what player A does.
At the end of day 1, they both sell. Player A makes one gold. Player B makes 2.5 gold.
At the end of the week Player A has 7 gold. Player B has17.5 gold
At the end of the month Player A has 30 gold. Player B has 75 gold.
At the end of the year Player A has 365 gold. Player B has 912.5 gold.
The value of doubling or tripling your gold by willing to wait one or two days should not be discounted.
ANet may give it to you.
And if you dident know always salvage your gear for essence of luck and materials sell the materials instead of the gear.
I did the same thing 3 years ago when i started. But ofcourse i was not aware there was an option to put something on tp on my own price. Imagine my surprise when i found that out. You will see soon that selling sonething right away for 31 silver or putting is slightly under highest price of the item, lets say 42 silvers, will make a huge difference on your gold income in future. You just need to wait 3-4 hours to sell lol. Because you sir are the trade flippers dream
Pretty much what folks are saying here. Donari hits it on the head directly. I always sell the stuff that gives me a greater profit than the vendor will give. I salvage mainly to get mats that I need such as silk. Check the prices of some of the materials, it might make you more profit to salvage things that produce an item that is in high demand such as cotton or linen. I also check the price of the runes or sigils because some of those end up being worth way more than the item they are in.
Patience is the key. Yes, you aren’t getting money instantly but you are getting more money in the long run. Hubby and I earned enough to buy precursors that way.
Thanks, but I’d rather sell and get money right away, than waiting a day and get my gear in return when no one buys it.
This attitude (and misconception) is what makes high end TP flippers so wealthy…..
Don’t get me wrong, there is a time to sell immediately (like when the sell order and buy order price is a within a few coppers), but doing it just for sake of convenience with no effort is never going to make you rich via the TP.
My point is your “Tip of the Day” is a good in terms of using the Trading Post religiously, but really horrible when telling others to blindly sell to the highest buy order….you can do what you want, but it’s NOT the best way to make the most coin.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Thanks, but I’d rather sell and get money right away, than waiting a day and get my gear in return when no one buys it.
This attitude (and misconception) is what makes high end TP flippers so wealthy…..
Don’t get me wrong, there is a time to sell immediately (like when the sell order and buy order price is a within a few coppers), but doing it just for sake of convenience with no effort is never going to make you rich via the TP.
My point is your “Tip of the Day” is a good in terms of using the Trading Post religiously, but really horrible when telling others to blindly sell to the highest buy order….you can do what you want, but it’s NOT the best way to make the most coin.
Here’s the thing: Battle Cat is right…and Brother Grimm is right, too.
- There are tons and tons of people who almost never use the TP (and, alas, these include folks who complain about having trouble earning coin). For this group, Battle Cat’s advice is timely: you are better off using the TP in the first place.
- For those people who regularly use the TP, Brother Grimm’s advice is apt: being more patient and customizing your buy|sell offers will generate 25-100% more coin than not, most of the time.
- And those who regularly set their own prices should consider offering below the highest buy offers and pricing above the lowest sell offers: nearly everything fluctuates in price, especially high-volume items such as mats (and especially ectos and the like), so you can generally get the same items for 10-30% less (or sell them for 10-30% more) by not accept the pricing of the moment.
tl;dr different people need different advice, depending on their current habits.
You are throwing your money away, if you sell immediately. Here is a screenshot of my current sell transactions, the oldest being 8 months old. I always offer things for the lowest offer (or a few copper above, depending on the item, but never lower). And I never withdraw stuff. I just let them accumulate. Stuff really gets sold this way! You can see from the age of my oldest open transactions that only very few items stick around.
The fee for offering and withdrawing only stuff that sticks around is much lower than the gain when you offer instead of selling immediately.
The second half of the screenshot shows the sell history, from which you can see that I am actively using the trading post and sell stuff. It’s probably different from your stuff, because I salvage almost everything. I only sell stuff whose material tab is full or which has no point in storing it.
You are throwing your money away, if you sell immediately.
That’s not true. You are just failing to gain all you can. Like the OP was saying: originally, they didn’t use the TP at all, so selling immediately is far far better than what they used to do.
Of course, it’s better still to make custom offers between the WTB|WTS prices and it’s better than that to make tactical offers that look at historical values, not just the once available at any given moment.
tl;dr not everyone is market savvy. The first step is to help people use the TP at all. After, we can help them get more coin from the same effort.
Well sell immediate is a step up from selling to NPC vendors, and in the case of rares and exotics the price price difference is major. Same can be said about most mats if you are selling those.
Of course the next step is placing sell orders above the current high bid which can be scary since you don’t get money immediately plus you notice the non-refundable bidding fee that is easily ignored when selling immediately. I nearly always place higher price sell orders and there’s maybe a half a dozen times that it took longer than a week to sell, most sell within hours or a day. I say I make 5 or 10% more than simply selling immediately to highest bidder. Some individual items, a lot more.
I also buy my equipment with bids rather than buy immediate, saving coin in that case.
But I congrat the OP for taking the first step to more wealth. They still might not be maximizing their income but I’m betting it’s a significant upswing. It’s a lot like upgrading to a $100 video card from an integrated GPU, sure it’s not best but compared to what they had it can seem to them a lot.
RIP City of Heroes
Here’s the thing: Battle Cat is right…and Brother Grimm is right, too.
- There are tons and tons of people who almost never use the TP (and, alas, these include folks who complain about having trouble earning coin). For this group, Battle Cat’s advice is timely: you are better off using the TP in the first place.
- For those people who regularly use the TP, Brother Grimm’s advice is apt: being more patient and customizing your buy|sell offers will generate 25-100% more coin than not, most of the time.
- And those who regularly set their own prices should consider offering below the highest buy offers and pricing above the lowest sell offers: nearly everything fluctuates in price, especially high-volume items such as mats (and especially ectos and the like), so you can generally get the same items for 10-30% less (or sell them for 10-30% more) by not accept the pricing of the moment.
tl;dr different people need different advice, depending on their current habits.
^ Basically this. I agree that EVERYBODY should be selling on the TP rather than to vendors (except when the market has already bottomed out and there’s no point adding to a massive goods stockpile that will never get sold. A good example are most Minor sigils), but whether or not it’s the best idea to sell immediately or wait for a buyer is subjective.
For example, say you’re the type of gamer who rarely sticks with a game for a long period of time. You happen to be lucky enough to get an expensive, but slow moving item. Do you sell it immediately for the 200g? Or do you list it at 400g and risk it not selling for weeks? Maybe months? If you sell it now, you could use that 200g immediately to have more fun in GW2 by buying some pretty armors and weapons that you’ve always had your eye on, before your attention gets snatched away by some new game in 3 months. Waiting might mean you’re now broke (from the high listing fee) and unable to do very much in-game, after which your attention gets snatched away by said new game. In this case, I’d argue it’s better to cash in now and enjoy the time you have before your interest in GW2 wanes.
Well then you have to do your research to pick a price. Not terribly important at 55c levels but at 200 g for immediate? You go check out the history at gw2tp to see the trading range. What were the prices previous ones sold at (points in the history the ask goes up because an item was sold). Use those points to get an idea what players were willing to pay and price it in that range rather than knocking a copper or even a gold off the current low ask. That is if you want it to sell quickly but more than the high bid.
RIP City of Heroes
Why is this thread still going? The entire point was that I, probably like most noobs, sold everything in stores. If you rather sell things directly to the trading post, you’ll make a ton more money. That’s it. I don’t give a flying kitten about min/maxing things in the trading post, or anything like that. Sure, if we’re talking Exotic gear and higher, selling over time will pay off. But that’s not what I am talking about. I’m talking about being level 20 and never having money for anything, as I sold everything in stores. After playing for weeks, I had a total of 2.6 gold. After selling directly to the trading post, I made 3.5 gold in one day. THAT is what this thread was about. Sigh…
It’s still going because people are trying to help your readers know that while your advice is good, they can do even better. If you’d listed sell prices instead of doing an instant sell you might have made 6 or 7 gold the next day.
It’s fine if that seems greedy to you or if you just want the thing right away. There’s just a step further that can reward the seller even more. Or, hmm. Your readers can also go buy the things you sell on the cheap — you get the money you want, and then they can resell the item as a sell listing and make the extra gold you declined. Win win?
Why is this thread still going? The entire point was that I, probably like most noobs, sold everything in stores. If you rather sell things directly to the trading post, you’ll make a ton more money. That’s it. I don’t give a flying kitten about min/maxing things in the trading post, or anything like that. Sure, if we’re talking Exotic gear and higher, selling over time will pay off. But that’s not what I am talking about. I’m talking about being level 20 and never having money for anything, as I sold everything in stores. After playing for weeks, I had a total of 2.6 gold. After selling directly to the trading post, I made 3.5 gold in one day. THAT is what this thread was about. Sigh…
This thread is still going because you started a post about min/maxing:
- Previously, you made less money. You learned to make more by using the TP.
- You urged others to do the same, which is why you titled the post, “Tip of the day”
- Someone else came along adding to the “tip” by saying you could make still more money by customizing your price.
- Others of us pointed out that, while true, that didn’t invalidate the original advice.
I know people who, like yourself, never used the TP (for any of a variety of reasons). Like you, they sort of didn’t want to add complications to managing unwanted inventory.
In other words, to someone who vendors everything, your own advice reads like “giving a flying kitten about min/max”
The replies since have been about making low-effort additions to your advice that generate even more gold.
tl;dr any advice that involves making more money by managing the same resources is, by definition, a form of min-maxing. So it’s no wonder that others have chimed in with minor changes that can generate still more.
Why is this thread still going? The entire point was that I, probably like most noobs, sold everything in stores. If you rather sell things directly to the trading post, you’ll make a ton more money. That’s it. I don’t give a flying kitten about min/maxing things in the trading post, or anything like that. Sure, if we’re talking Exotic gear and higher, selling over time will pay off. But that’s not what I am talking about. I’m talking about being level 20 and never having money for anything, as I sold everything in stores. After playing for weeks, I had a total of 2.6 gold. After selling directly to the trading post, I made 3.5 gold in one day. THAT is what this thread was about. Sigh…
Believe me, we aren’t even close to min/maxing the TP. Most are simply pointing out that setting a sell price above the high bid but below the low ask can make you more with the trade off that it may take an hour/day to sell.
Most have congratulated you for making this step in earning but for a tiny amount of time and effort a player could earn a bit more. That’s all. Some people hate to see players sell immediate at 10 s while others are selling to the buy immediate crowd at 15 s and lose out.
RIP City of Heroes
So I’ve been doing it wrong all along…
I just rejoined GW2 last week or two after not having played since launch (for a couple weeks) and am enjoying the game much more this time around. I took the time to read the tips for new player forums, player to player advice, etc – and the advice I saw in those posts were to decon EVERYTHING. Is that not the best thing to do? I’m better off selling greens & blues on the TP?
Thanks for any input.
I just wanted to point one other option out there:
Instead of selling items to the TP, you can also come out well w/ salvaging most of your unwanted loot, and then sell the materials on the TP. Materials stack more easily, can be deposited for bulk selling, and have a very high turnover, so Sell orders often get filled quite quickly. In addition, you’ll be increasing your magic find, which leads to better drops down the line.
What kits to use for what items vary by person, but my rules are:
Black Lion – Exotics with really expensive runes/sigils. (I tend to get these kits from dailies enough to not buy them)
Mystic/Master – Exotics and Rares >L65
Basic/Copper-fed – Rares <L65, and all white/blue/green.
- In the same ballpark for income as TPing items.
- TP Sell Orders fill quickly.
- Increases Magic Find
- Really quick to mass salvage items, deposit mats, then get back to killing.
- Mats can be used for crafting instead, if you’re interested.
- You can make a bit more money by selling select items on the TP directly.
Anyways, not saying you need to do this, but making you aware of an alternative option.
So I’ve been doing it wrong all along…
I just rejoined GW2 last week or two after not having played since launch (for a couple weeks) and am enjoying the game much more this time around. I took the time to read the tips for new player forums, player to player advice, etc – and the advice I saw in those posts were to decon EVERYTHING. Is that not the best thing to do? I’m better off selling greens & blues on the TP?
Thanks for any input.
Decon? Oh salvage. Yes that’s another option. It doesn’t guarantee more coin Vs the TP as much as it’s a simply way to deal with loot out in the field because it does take a bit longer to check every item to see if there’s an immediate buyer for it on the TP.
I had a friend (he just started playing in earnest) recently ask me why someone would buy a trophy, metal scrap, for 2s 60c and I pointed out it that the wiki says it could be salvaged into 1-3 iron/gold/silver ore and that buyer was playing the odds that when they salvage enough of them they would end up ahead. My friend didn’t even notice it was salvageable.
RIP City of Heroes