Tips for legendary weapons

Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lubby.8092


I want to start the grind to getting my legendary but I have absolutely no idea where to start. I was wondering if any experienced players could give me some tips to getting a legendary (mainly tips for getting the precursor). I know it’ll take some time, I just want to know some tips.

Thanks all!

Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shylark.4951


I would also like this type info… What should I be working towards for level 80 gear??? I am level 51 now so I know I have a ways to go but I would like a better Idea what I should be doing…
Thanks for Any Advise

Life is just a Big Role Playing Adventure…

Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Getting precursor:
Save gold and buy it from TP. Seriously.

For the rest:
1. Do not sell your t6 materials.
2. If you know which Legendary you want, start running the dungeon required for it.
3. If you haven’t done any WvW now is the time. Get your rank up and buy the gift with badges.
4. Work on map completion. Sell stuff you get that way, unless it is t6 mats.


Do whatever you like, save up all your gold and buy a Legendary.

Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lerak.5286


In addition to Garambola:
- Save up laurels from dailies and monthlies for T6 material bags.
- After exploring WvW BL and EB, switch to a EotM karma train for WvW levels, skillpoints, gold, BoH and karma.
- Always start with the mystic clovers! You’ll get lodestones and T6 mats from them, and any obsidian you don’t use will contribute towards the gift of mastery.
- This was my personal method to reach the mats (in addition to generally playing the game)
1M karma (Exploration, EotM)
Full stacks of T6 mats (Laurels, Champ bags, Buying from Tp)
2 stacks of ectoes (Salvaging rares from drops or world bosses)
400 skillpoints (Champ bags, dungeons)
500 BoH (EotM)
Maximum of gold possible, 1 to 2K gold (All of the above ^^)
Other materials are depending on the Legendary you want to make, but are usually obtained trough the Tp or through farming a specific area/mob type.
In general I suggest to just play the game, slowly filling up these materials while trying different aspects of the game. Don’t play only with the prospects of reaching a legendary.
Good luck with your legenday and don’t forget enjoy the game! ^^

Gabriel Angelheart – Far Shiverpeaks

Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


The wiki has a chart for every legendary showing what it needs, in a format which I find really easy to follow (easier than one big list anyway). For example:

I saved a copy of the chart for The Dreamer and I use to colour in each line as I complete it, or track how close I am. I find it helps me feel like I’m making progress.

Here’s a few tips from my own experience and what I’ve seen on the forum:

You need to do map completion for the Gift of Exploration. That includes the WvW maps. Do not leave them till last because unlike PvE maps you can’t just run around and do the whole thing in one go. You’ll need multiple trips, doing whatever’s available each time and may have to wait for your server to change colours, for peak time and for off-peak time for different parts. This is a lot less frustrating if you do it while working on other things than if you leave it till last and waiting for that one last POI is the only thing holding you back.

Don’t work on just one thing at a time. There’s a lot of parts which can be combined, for example doing WvW for badges while completing the maps, running a dungeon to get tokens for the Gift and gold for the precursor. Doing dailies while mapping will get you mystic coins and laurels you can use to buy T6 mats etc.

Make the 77 Mystic Clovers before getting all the T6 materials because if the recipe ‘fails’ it will usually give you T6 mats instead. In fact I’m leaving getting the materials until last because many other parts require activities where they’re likely to drop. I’m just letting them build up and then I’ll use laurels (which I’m also building up) to get the ones I still need when I have everything else.

Save bad space where you can. For example instead of getting the Bloodstone Shard right away keep the skill points until you’ve got everything else for the Gift of Mastery. Now the Orrian Temples are usually open you could do the same with the Obsidian Shards – save the karma and buy them when you need them instead of having them sitting in your bank while you collect everything else.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


That sounds very sensible, Danikat. I do believe the obsidian shards are a depositable material, however, so waiting on them doesn’t save any bag space. Though some of them do drop out of doing the Season Two LS and thus running alts through that could net a few without having to use up the karma.

Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


That sounds very sensible, Danikat. I do believe the obsidian shards are a depositable material, however, so waiting on them doesn’t save any bag space. Though some of them do drop out of doing the Season Two LS and thus running alts through that could net a few without having to use up the karma.

True, but you need 250, plus whatever it takes for the Mystic Clovers. The 250 alone will use up all your material storage space (unless you buy the expansion) and then any others have to sit in your bank/inventory.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tim.6450


Another little tip, do citadel of flame path 1 and 2 daily and buy the rare light armor (I don’t know which is optimal) with the tokens (unless you need them for the gift of baelfire) and salvage them for ectoplasms, preferable with a mystic salvage kit (don’t use black lion).


Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Another little tip, do citadel of flame path 1 and 2 daily and buy the rare light armor (I don’t know which is optimal) with the tokens (unless you need them for the gift of baelfire) and salvage them for ectoplasms, preferable with a mystic salvage kit (don’t use black lion).

Unless you got a free black lion kit from somewhere, in which case salvaging rares for ecto is one of the best uses for it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Tips for legendary weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: theguildless.1386


I second the “start with the clovers” tip. Not only does it give you mats back, it’s also the one RNG part of making a legendary (unless you want to get your precursor from the Mystic Forge). I want as little RNG in my life as possible, so getting that out of the way feels good.

As for keeping track of your progress, I always used, although it’s not responding today. A quick search turned up this site as well, it looks pretty neat! Using a site like that has the advantage of seeing current market prices for what you need!

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Tarnished Coast