Tips on getting achievement points?
Only 4996 to go Most are pretty easy, just time consuming. Map completion, jumping puzzles, explorers, crafting, special events. The list goes on and on as you can clearly see. Try the jumping puzzles in Lions Arch to start. That should give you, 30 more? Only 4966 to go.
If you haven’t already done it then your personal story might be a good place to start. You get 10 points for each chapter you complete.
The jumping puzzles and world bosses are also good choices, some of those are pretty easy.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
To put 5K AP into perspective, basically speaking, you’re looking at hundreds of hours of play.
Depending on your play style, that could be anywhere from at least 400 to 800 hours.
Yeah I’ve completed all my story line quests. I started doing explorer achievements and trying to max out crafting. I seen max crafting gives 40 achievement points so ill try to do those. I’m now at 4,402 points. Only 98 points to go for that tasty chest!
At 4400 you’ve probably got the basics… This link provides an interesting table that provides AP by area. Allows you to get an idea of where additional AP can be sought out… Maybe WvW? Also highlights the importance of grabbing the temporary events for the short time they’re available… BoTFW is 250 and historically, they all add up to just over 1400 AP. Dailies can’t be overlooked either… 11 per day seems trivial, but tacking on 300 per month, while contributing concurrently to other achievements is just gravy.
At 4400 you’ve probably got the basics… This link provides an interesting table that provides AP by area. Allows you to get an idea of where additional AP can be sought out… Maybe WvW? Also highlights the importance of grabbing the temporary events for the short time they’re available… BoTFW is 250 and historically, they all add up to just over 1400 AP. Dailies can’t be overlooked either… 11 per day seems trivial, but tacking on 300 per month, while contributing concurrently to other achievements is just gravy.
WvW is not a very good ROI. Getting just the first tier or 2 depending on the category might be useful though but getting the maximum requires an insane amount of time for most of them.
Basically what you want to try to do everyday, is daily and monthly achievements.
And do them all, so as for daily you can get up to 15 AP for completing both the PvE and the PvP ones, when you think about it that’s over 100 Ap a week
(also take into account that usually the dailies are stuff like jumping puzzles and dungeons, so that’s plus AP)
Ofc do other stuff aswell, but just doing this everyday can help you get there faster
and isnt that time consuming ….:)
Basically what you want to try to do everyday, is daily and monthly achievements.
And do them all, so as for daily you can get up to 15 AP for completing both the PvE and the PvP ones, when you think about it that’s over 100 Ap a week
(also take into account that usually the dailies are stuff like jumping puzzles and dungeons, so that’s plus AP)Ofc do other stuff aswell, but just doing this everyday can help you get there faster
and isnt that time consuming ….:)
From what I’ve heard on this forum getting every single daily every single day can be very time consuming. Every so often (usually when new ones are added) there are threads from the achievement chasers complaining that it’s taking up all their play-time, and sometimes all their free time.
But that’s people who want to stay on top of the leaderboards. Competition is pretty fierce so missing even 1 point can mean risking their place. If you just want enough for your next chest you can check for easy dailies, or ones you can combine with other activities, and skip any that would take too long.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Check your slayer achievements. The guide on shows you the best spots to kill each type. Explorer are pretty easy, and there are guides for finding the locations (some of the puzzles involved are fun). Crafting to 400 in chef and jeweler is fairly cheap if you haven’t done those. Otherwise, just check your achievements tab to see which ones you’re close to finishing.
Yeah, look at achievements in the hero panel. Lots & lots of options to increase your points (including living world stuff).