Tranfering a guild Name?

Tranfering a guild Name?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shy Of Day.7259

Shy Of Day.7259

Our guild wants to tranfer servers. Can we keep our name? can the leader transfer the guild with the influence and all the upgrades? or are we kinda screwed.. if so is it possible to completely get rid of guild so we can remake it on a new server? stuck having to make a new guild name?

Tranfering a guild Name?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mockingjay.8723


Yes, you can keep your name. Guilds aren’t specific to a server, you can invite anyone from any server (US or EU, doesn’t matter) and they can join. Influence and purchased bonuses are server-specific (except maybe the emblem), so your influence will not carry over.

Tranfering a guild Name?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shy Of Day.7259

Shy Of Day.7259

cool thank you so much for responding