Tribal Light Armor Set
I really need an answer The armor set is still in the game or it is removed?
Because i can’t find it and i really like that armor
(edited by Masterjalf.4928)
I’d like this answered as well.
I’m still searching but i can’t find it i can only find the ungly shaman set
I need to know where to get it even if i have to pay gems to get it
By the way the Masquerade PvP set is showing the tribal armor graphics in preview mode instead the real Masquerade PvE what’s the meaning of this? is that a bug or the tribal armor is hiding somewhere in PvE?
I need confirmation of this armor ):
I’m in the same boat, i still like the dry bones set though (shaman?).
I knew of the glitch, because it made me buy a full set of masquerade pve armor ;D kitten you pvp locker!
I’m dying to get my hands on the tribal set. Somebody confirm that it’s in the game at least
any update on this?
Would love to know this too. Someone said it can be bought from a karma vendor, he thought it was north or south from Lions Arch but I couldn’t find it there
I’ve made a couple threads looking for this also. For anyone wondering its the armor that looks like this:
It seems to be non-existent in pve. Arenanet are you sure all pvp skins are in the game?
Someone posted on guru:
I just found the one you wanted, it is the karma armor in Malchor’s Leap (75-80).
It is named “Shelter” armor.
Nope, all the skins in Orr are completely different.
Weeks have gone by and this set still doesn’t exist in PvE. Anet I think you forgot to add some things to the game!
I would really like to know from an admin about this topic. I really want that armor set.
I think it would be important for an admin to address this issue, or fix the problem of this missing skin. I know the headpiece of the tribal set exists in game, but the shoulders are nowhere to be found. This definitely needs to be addressed.
Glad to have found this thread. I’ve been looking for this armor for a good week. I checked “The Big Where Does This Armor Come From Thread” thread on gw2guru and everyone is starting to think that the gear is all from an undiscovered mystic forge recipe. Triple kudos to whoever figures this mess out.
gief tribal armor, so i can dust off my ele
I just found the “pants/skirt” for the Tribal armor (lt,med,hvy)… its at a Heart Karma vendor “Bronson”, located in the Blood Hill Camps on the Gendarran Fields map.
My guess based on what I’ve seen elsewhere leveling another alt to 80, is that likely a number of heart/karma vendors on this map will each offer a different “piece” to the tribal set… and you can then use transmorgify stones to keep the look on whatever stat/level armor you want.
Good luck!
<3 Sar
>>————> Bowchick of Red
Sarharien the Red
(edited by Masterjalf.4928)
When I went to the NPC heart karma vendor out there today… this light armor skirt is what I was able to purchase… L28 stats, but easily transmutable… doesn’t look like it’s the same as what’s in your picture (is it a difference due to race?)…
(btw – only the leggings/skirt is what I’ve found from that tribal set – the other items I’m wearing are unrelated.)
>>————> Bowchick of Red
Sarharien the Red
2 weeks and nothing ;_;
I’m looking for this armor Arena-Net where did you put this Armor?
(edited by Masterjalf.4928)
Gonna bump this thread out of curiosity, too.
Currently looking for this skin.
I’d like to find this one as well.
It would be nice if there were a thread that listed where all the armor models can be found that we can see in the PvP locker previews.
I have a question, is there a website you guys are going to to look these up, gallery style, or is it just through discovery? I am not sure where I can go to check out the looks of PvP gear in game, I have only seen the dungeon sets and the cultural sets.
2 weeks and nothing ;_;
I’m looking for this armor Arena-Net where did you put this Armor?
anyone get this set?
Yeah, this is pretty frustrating. I came up with a cool concept for a character based around this armor and I like how the character plays, but he really needs this armor. I just went to the PvP locker and looked through every set and hated them all. It’s too bad because the toon is level 38 already but I don’t want to progress him if I’ll never get an armor I like on him and conversely if this armor never gets back into the game then I really don’t want him eating up a character slot.
Jeez, talk about first world problems…
I really wish Anet would say either way whether these missing armor sets are available for PvE, because it’s really frustrating. This set, the Commando medium set (helm), and there’s a really nice light armor set that looks perfect for female mesmers.
I pretty much just come to the forums hoping that one day someone will discover some recipe to create them in the mystic forge, which is frustrating as hell. Also, there’s a good chance even if someone does find a recipe, they’ll just horde it to themselves anyway.
In regards to the post on Guru about it being out in Malchor’s Leap, it was. I’d been running through and saw it, and decided that I was just going to get it later since I finally knew where it was.
But I went back this afternoon and it’s nowhere to be found. It’s the Tactical set now, but I couldn’t even begin to tell you why it changed. I just know it was there, and I really wish I’d gotten it the first time around. Musical armor skins isn’t a fun game to play :(
Too bad that was my top fav armor after I saw it. Pretty irresponsible of ANET to not give us some light on this issue and teasing us with it, showing in PVP locker.
I would love to know what happened to this armor as well, it had such a unique look to it.
I have a question, is there a website you guys are going to to look these up, gallery style, or is it just through discovery? I am not sure where I can go to check out the looks of PvP gear in game, I have only seen the dungeon sets and the cultural sets.
If you go to the Heart of the Mists and interact with the PVP lockers, you can preview all the PVP skins.
At any rate I was really wanting to get a Halloween-themed set around and wanted to use some of the pieces from this for it. But now it’s gone D:
So no one found anything yet? I am looking for this set as well. It still shows in the pvp locker as the Masquerade armor which I am assuming is the wrong skin.
I can not find this set too and I searched it 3 days around the world.. now I am waiting for arena net!
I want this armor set, too.
It would appear this set was removed after the game went live and no new information has been released on when it will be returned or if it even will be reintroduced.
Nooo! This is extremely distressing.
I just spent 20 minutes designing a transmute outfit for my mesmer at the PVP locker, only to find out that I can’t get most of the pieces. T_T
Otto Redmoss – 80 Warrior
bump! someone found anything?
Soooooooooo…….. does this set exist or not?
In any case, if it doesn’t then it should be re-added. I’ve been waiting long enough for it :P
“They say you are what you eat.
Which is funny ‘cause I don’t remember eating a legend”
The armor apparently did not make it to Production. A similar thread:
Kestrel also said recently that it is not avaialble in game.
See Comments @
I like the idea that it will come out with the Tengu expansion (starting rumor).