Triple Trouble - Crimson Wurm Guide

Triple Trouble - Crimson Wurm Guide

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Balzamon.1396


Hi Guys,

since i dont know where i should put this exactly i am going to put it here. (other place would have been general discussion), but i think it fits better here.

So this is a guide created from me how we the runs the wurm. (we did run it mainly on deso main and our guild is [NíP]. Since i got a few people asking me things about this fight and how we do it and so on i thought it might be time to get this all written down.

And now i can present you the first version of this:
My Crimson guide (that also covers a lot of common things for this fight)

I still have some things on my list to add. (for example the fights for the other wurms and so on, but i didnt wanted to wait that long to get the first part published. I have exams, so cant really spend a lot of time on this atm :/ )

So i hope this guide will help some people who are interested in leading or only following as player in the Triple trouble event.

Thx for all the people who helped me with that and kept coming to fight under me so that i was able to get the experience to create that

Feedback is more then welcome! i will also try to answer any question here or ingame. So feel free to ask

Commander Ireth Alcàrin [NíP]
Piken Square
Community Officer @

(edited by Balzamon.1396)