Trying to find the right profession

Trying to find the right profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheOOB.7428


I’ve been playing for about a month now, and I’ve tried a few professions(I’m kind of an atl-a-holic), but I decided I needed a profession to stick with and level up so I can see decent level content.

I’m looking for a class that has some decent control and interesting utility abilities. I generally prefer ranged combat, but I’m not adverse to melee when need be. I kind of like the idea of winning a fight more through conditions and control than purely damage, and I like a little versitility. I’d prefer if the class was a little faster paced, and doesn’t rely mainly on a short one or two attack chain, or any sort of one note tactic(guardian hammer bored me half to death). I enjoy summoning minions or having pets, but it’s not required of the class.

The class needs to be able to play well solo(I solo more than I group, and I don’t want a class that relies overly much on interrupts or blocks(my comp can be a little slow at times). I mostly care about PvE, but PvP would be fun too.

Also if it matters, I prefer human or sylvari, and dislike charr and asura, though I know race doesn’t matter too terribly much.

Thanks in advance for the assistance

Trying to find the right profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

Engineer or Necromancer.

Trying to find the right profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Carcinogin.7654


I want to say Elementalist. Once you get the play style down it is very addicting and satisfying. I am speaking in terms of Pve, I dont play much PvP but I do warn you after playing an Ele for a while you probably wont enjoy lvling any other class after that everything else will feel dull, that is just my opinion though I honestly havent been able to lvl an alt because ele has been my main and I just love how it plays. With that said Goodluck hope you choose a class that suits you.

(o.O) Mr.Snow
( * )
( * )

Trying to find the right profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Goettel.4389


I’d say roll a mesmer, by level 10 you’ll know if you like it (my favorite class so far, out of warrior, necromancer and elementalist): plenty of control and utility, original playstyle, flexible ranged/melee, group/solo.

Send an Asura who knows math. Problem solved.

Trying to find the right profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Knote.2904


Description sounds like Ele/Mesmer/Necro.

As far as Conditions AND control I would say Necro.

Mesmer has good condition builds as well, but the “control” isn’t the same. They do of course have confusion for condition dmg that can act as control as well.

Elementalist is definately more challenging to get into and faster paced, they can do decent condition builds, and Staff is excellent for area denial/control.

All 3 have to rotate for dmg as well, none of them can just auto-pilot or auto-attack dmg, except for maybe Mesmer with 3 phantasms up but that will rarely happen.

You’re really just going to have to try each of them out and see for yourself which you prefer. Taking to the mists helps a bit as u can see your trait/utility options.

Trying to find the right profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheOOB.7428


Mesmer is one of the two classes I’ve tried the most, and I’m on the fence about it(leaning twords no). I’m not overly fond of the random nature of many of their abilities, or their reliance on blocks and interrupts. Also how useful illusions are seems to vary greatly depending on how the enemy seemingly randomly decides to deal with them.

Necro, Elm, and Engineer are currently looking the most promising.

Trying to find the right profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


Ele definitely sounds like exactly what you’re looking for.

Trying to find the right profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yenkin.5410


Engineer is fun, but I don’t think the survivablity and dps is as good as the Elementalist nor the Ranger. Really has todo with your play style.

Trying to find the right profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jnu.8961


I’d have to agree with most posts here. Necro or Engi seem to fit the bill for you. I’d say beyond that, choosing what type of armor you want aesthetically (between light and medium) is what would sway me one way or the other. All classes can be built for many different roles and the class’s flavor is what brings me back to a particular one. Do you want to have dark spells with green effects, light armor, and undead minions? Or do you want to be a backpack wearing turret summoning class?

I like to make a character and preview the different armor sets in the mists beforehand.

Keep in mind as an engineer, you have a small pool of weapons to choose from to make you look awesome, and no weapons visible at all when you have a kit equipped.