Turn camera when mouse turns
I wish it was also I have very bad bone and joint issues This would make it much better for me. I do use a track ball mouse though that makes it a bit better…
I wish there was a toggle. ie: right-click once, and your character will follow your mouse. right-click again, and your character will stop following your mouse. you could even key-bind it to something else as well.
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You can make your own version with some mice.
I use the Logitech Gaming Software to make one button on my mouse (G400) act as a right mouse button toggle. I press it once and it functions as if I’m holding the mouse button down until I press it again. Obviously I can’t keep it on all the time because it has the same limitations as actually holding the button down (mainly I can’t use the cursor) but it’s useful for doing jumping puzzles and things without hurting my hand.
But I don’t think there’s any way to do it within the game itself.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
This is not currently an option supported in Guild Wars 2. I am however curious how you would see this functioning. Would it be some sort of keybind toggle, or something else?
This is not currently an option supported in Guild Wars 2. I am however curious how you would see this functioning. Would it be some sort of keybind toggle, or something else?
Either a keybind option or a setting. Either would work well.
http://wesslen.org/ICM/ Immersive Combat Mode for GW2
This is why I would never use a program like this…….
Immersive Combat Mode 1.4.6
Warning: If you use Immersive Combat Mode it’s at your own risk. I’ve done my best to ensure it doesn’t cause any problems, but there are no guarantees.
This is not currently an option supported in Guild Wars 2. I am however curious how you would see this functioning. Would it be some sort of keybind toggle, or something else?
For me a Key Bind I think would work but I am not a programmer….
http://wesslen.org/ICM/ Immersive Combat Mode for GW2
@Brandon Gee… This… It will make ur game like TERA basically. It is basically a toggle to make the Right mouse button be held down and adds a visual retical to center of screen for easy fast-targeted ground AoE’s.
Should be a pretty simple feature to be added to game to make it more of an ARPG type playstyle. Also, might make the game a bit more challenging, if you do not auto-target monsters in this way you have to physically aim your skills. I do this already with no retical by holding right mouse and shooting people with my bow. It also allows me to shoot players on keep walls who are otherwise OBSTRUCTED by normal targeting. I can physically aim at their heads and hit them, it is nice! (Does not work on classes that requires a target for skills, example, Mesmers Greatsword 1, Necro Scepter)
(edited by Otaur.9268)
This is not currently an option supported in Guild Wars 2. I am however curious how you would see this functioning. Would it be some sort of keybind toggle, or something else?
In some other games they had the mouse rigged for camera movement. Mouse moves to the left, so does the camera. Didn’t have to press a button to move it, just the mouse. I think Bioshock had that (if you need an example). Yes, I’m aware it’s a different game. I was just using that as an example. I think it may have been hotkeyed but I can’t remember.
http://wesslen.org/ICM/ Immersive Combat Mode for GW2
@Brandon Gee… This… It will make ur game like TERA basically. It is basically a toggle to make the Right mouse button be held down and adds a visual reticule to center of screen for easy fast-targeted ground AoE’s.
There is also config file for this. You can turn on or off things you want to use. I don’t like combat mode itself, but, there is an option to clear out UI..and i love that :P
Well Dungeons and Dragons Online you can either use right mouse button or Press the T Button… T button keeps you in mouse look mode so that you can just steer with the mouse… Makes things much easier for some people…
Just think about how long you need to hold RMB while playing, this program makes life a lot easier ;]
If they put it in the game then I would use it for sure… I have had some bad luck with third party programs.. So I stay away from them… Just how I am I am not saying some others may feel that way………
I know a lot of people use AutoHotKey and run a script that binds the right mouse button into a toggle so you don’t have to constantly hold it down to mouse steer.
Some use it due to physical limitations of their person (missing digits, crippling arthritis, etc), some use it due to having an unreliable/failing right mouse button due to having to hold it down almost the entire time they play, and there are others that use it simply to not stress their hands out or develop stress issues in their hands from maintaining the mouse button down.
This is one .ahk file many use that binds your middle-mouse click to enable it. A single click activates mouse steer and another single click (or just clicking your actual right mouse button) will disable it.
This is useful so you can disable it quickly to interact with dialogue boxes or your UI and then re-enable it when you want to mouse steer again.
It is only functional when GW2 is the active window so even if you enable it while in-game and then go to another app or your Windows desktop then your mouse will function normally there. Return to the game and it will still be in the state you left it at; activated or deactivated.
Think of it as similar to your autorun key where hitting that allows you to release your forward motion key and remain in forward motion until you hit it again. Instead, you are hitting your mouselook key so your mouse steering remains active until you hit it again.
Copy this and paste it into a new .txt file and rename it to be .ahk instead of .txt.
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 3
#IfWinActive, Guild Wars 2MouseLook = 1
Gosub, ToggleCursor
GetKeyState, state1, RButton
If state1 = U
Send {RButton Down}
MouseLook = 1
Send {RButton Up}
MouseLook = 0
The “MButton::” part is the designated activation key (middle mouse button). I’m sure you can edit that to another key if you prefer, but clicking the middle mouse button is very handy for quick activation/deactivation.
Just need to download and install AHK and then run this .ahk file when you play GW2 to no longer have to hold the mouse button down to steer.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
This is not currently an option supported in Guild Wars 2. I am however curious how you would see this functioning. Would it be some sort of keybind toggle, or something else?
Personally I’d prefer a keybind toggle over a setting in the options menu or anything similar because it’s not something I’d want on all the time. This is why I haven’t gone for the Combat Mode mod.
IMO there’s nothing wrong with the current functionality of holding down the right mouse button except the fact that you have to physically hold it down and that can be uncomfortable or impossible for some people.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
This is not currently an option supported in Guild Wars 2. I am however curious how you would see this functioning. Would it be some sort of keybind toggle, or something else?
The mouse click/button keybind toggle functionality has been requested quite a long time ago. I have it listed as
- 25. Option to change “hold right key for camera” into “click right key to toggle camera usage” (I’m running with right key pressed 90% of time).
in this QoL list, which has been partially compiled from other people’s suggestions and is already half a year old.
I can tell from my experience that one of my gaming mice has retired because of right mouse button getting defective (not purely from GW2, but still).
IMO there’s nothing wrong with the current functionality of holding down the right mouse button except the fact that you have to physically hold it down and that can be uncomfortable or impossible for some people.
There’s also a weird bug of the RMB camera resetting after certain skills despite being held down – AFAIK it happened with Phase Retreat regularly.
Personally I’d prefer a keybind toggle over a setting in the options menu or anything similar because it’s not something I’d want on all the time. This is why I haven’t gone for the Combat Mode mod.
Static settings are indeed not always helpful – for instance, I find it extremely annoying to go and change Autotargeting in settings when switching between my main mesmer and guardian/warrior alts.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
This is not currently an option supported in Guild Wars 2. I am however curious how you would see this functioning. Would it be some sort of keybind toggle, or something else?
Keybind. Or make it be that when you interact with NPCs it is disabled, so you can select the dialogue’s options. Kind of like ICM does, but less buggy.
This is not currently an option supported in Guild Wars 2. I am however curious how you would see this functioning. Would it be some sort of keybind toggle, or something else?
A good option in my opinion would be, create a setting in menu, when that setting is active your RMC would turn on the camera movement and when you click the RMC again it would turn off.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
So it sounds like adding a ‘right click toggle’ and a ‘keybind toggle’ are clearly favored options in the replies here. Thanks for the responses!
Anything to put these options in the game and take some strain off my hand and what I believe is another dying trackball would be hugely appreciated. In the same spririt, I’d also like to see the ctrl and alt (show enemy and ally names options by default I believe) have a simple toggle.
If you don’t want to confuse new players, make an advanced options menu that is hidden by default, or gives you a warning box when you go to that tab for the first time, or each time. You could hide things there like the per character ground targeting and autotargetting!
So it sounds like adding a ‘right click toggle’ and a ‘keybind toggle’ are clearly favored options in the replies here. Thanks for the responses!
Sounds like we may get this… That is awesome….. But how long will we have to wait????
But how long will we have to wait????
That is a question that a dev here will NEVER answer.
Not that they are bad or anything, but developing involves so many things, priorities can change, bugs can appear … and if they give a date and end not happening the community goes crazy about it.
Look at the precursor crafting and new legendaries for example, people ask about it all the time and use it as a failure argument while the dev may be working on those but just changed the priorities.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Hey guys, thanks for the discussion on this, I have gone ahead and added this feedback to a main tracking thread for all of this. You can find it Here!