Um, spoons? O...K...
When you first added the spoons to your inventory your collections tab in your achievements should have been updated. There are many items in the game now that are part of collections, which is a relatively new update to achievements. Those spoons are just one of the new collections. Once you collect a spoon it is added to your collections, and you can then discard of it however you wish. (Make sure the item is actually listed in your collection, as some items require being bound or equipped to be listed in the collection tab.)
Go to Lion’s Arch. There on the Grand Plaza is an NPC with a green icon on top of his head. Buy a collection box from him. Your spoons will be added to the collection and after that you can sell the spoons to an NPC merchant.
Go to Lion’s Arch. There on the Grand Plaza is an NPC with a green icon on top of his head. Buy a collection box from him. Your spoons will be added to the collection and after that you can sell the spoons to an NPC merchant.
I forgot that the spoon collection is adding by talking to that merchant. Some collections are started differently than others.
Also remember that the RNG spoons do have a sell value so you may want to get your 10s instead of just trashing them.