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Posted by: LiebnirGWAccount.5698


((This may be a bit of a read as a warning, I just want to note everything!))

I’ve been a mesmer for about…Forever. I’ve loved playing Mesmer but lately it’s become..Mrehhhhh. Greatsword #2-#4-#3-ZAPZAPZAP. It begins to get a bit…repetitive. I’ve tried out Engineer to 50, but with the recent nerf in WvW it’s lost quite a bit of it’s appeal for me. D/D Elementalist all the way to 80 and I found myself a bit meh with the constant attunement swapping, i’d rather stay on one with the occassional change for situations, but I feel like i’m not much use then.

I’ve played enough that I need 50 runestones and a little completion on the map for my legendary too, so I’d like to settle into a class I will enjoy from here on out.

The legendaries that I like the most are Quip, Kraitkin, Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Rodgort, Bolt, and Minstrel (When the effects actually work).

I’m looking for a nice DPS class where I can also offer support to my group (I often do instances and FOTM so it’s essential!)

Big point is I am VERY shallow about my character, I find it hard finding armour I like the look of so it’s key to have nice armour for me!

I’m open to suggestions, thanks in advance for your help! I’ll answer anymore questions or answers you have as fast as I can!

Tarnished Coast – [LGBT]
Trixxie Virtuoso – Mesmer

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Posted by: Curunen.8729


Did you try conjured weapons on your ele (hammer/axe/bow, or even be quirky and make a build around the earth shield)?

I’m in a similar boat as a mesmer main (well second main – first was a thief but that got boring fast so I deleted it), and need a change of pace/style. Guardian is one class I’ve found almost as fun, particularly with a hammer build, however now I’m finding the ele with conjured weapons a little more fun (guardians have some good utilities like judge’s intervention, but the lack of mobility and many “meh” weapons outside of the hammer made me turn away from it).

You could also try warrior – plenty of weapons to choose between there.

Mind you I’m saying this because of looking for a class with more physical abilities, so not taking into account things like the necro.

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Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

1) What do you consider “support” to be? Debuffing enemy mobs? Using control effects to lock down trash mobs? Buffing allies? Healing allies?

2) The classes you’ve mentioned so far have been ranged classes. Do you have a preference of ranged over melee combat?

3) Just how important is WvW viability to you? I see that this was a factor in your losing interest in Engineer, so I’m trying to figure out just how this can influence my suggestion.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

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Posted by: LiebnirGWAccount.5698


Did you try conjured weapons on your ele (hammer/axe/bow, or even be quirky and make a build around the earth shield)?

I’m in a similar boat as a mesmer main (well second main – first was a thief but that got boring fast so I deleted it), and need a change of pace/style. Guardian is one class I’ve found almost as fun, particularly with a hammer build, however now I’m finding the ele with conjured weapons a little more fun (guardians have some good utilities like judge’s intervention, but the lack of mobility and many “meh” weapons outside of the hammer made me turn away from it).

You could also try warrior – plenty of weapons to choose between there.

Mind you I’m saying this because of looking for a class with more physical abilities, so not taking into account things like the necro.

I’d go with a hammer guardian but the hammer really doesn’t interest me. I use to use a combination of Ice Bow and Fire Greatsword on my Ele, I like them, they’re powerful, but i’m really aiming to have a legendary as my main weapon. I’d be more inclined to go with Elementalist but with the lack of a second weapon set it’s a bit…Unappealing. Mesmer is really the class I should be in, it’s got everything I like, but i’ve lost interest with greatsword and have some difficulty in getting used to the other sets/even finding a build.

Tarnished Coast – [LGBT]
Trixxie Virtuoso – Mesmer

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Posted by: LiebnirGWAccount.5698


1) What do you consider “support” to be? Debuffing enemy mobs? Using control effects to lock down trash mobs? Buffing allies? Healing allies?

2) The classes you’ve mentioned so far have been ranged classes. Do you have a preference of ranged over melee combat?

3) Just how important is WvW viability to you? I see that this was a factor in your losing interest in Engineer, so I’m trying to figure out just how this can influence my suggestion.

1. In general, I like being helpful. I could use Time Warp, Feedback to shelter friends from ranged abilities whilst healing, illusion of life and such came in handy too.

2. I do prefer ranged, but the closer ranged mesmer is alright thus far, it’s just…I feel a bit lacking in the DPS section.

3. WvW is where I spend a lot of my free time with my friends and guild mates, i’m not a fan of sPvP for some reason beknownst to myself, I just couldn’t get into it. I’m really a PvE/WvW sorta of person, I can happily float around maps for hours just wandering with the UI and such off for a nice stroll! ~

Tarnished Coast – [LGBT]
Trixxie Virtuoso – Mesmer

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Posted by: Curunen.8729


Ranger might be a interesting choice – I’ve not played one so can’t comment from experience, however I have been tempted by the skills/utilities and weapons available.

I know what you mean though, once you’ve played mesmer it’s hard to play anything else, although extended play on any class will become monotonous after a certain amount of time.

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Posted by: LiebnirGWAccount.5698


Ranger might be a interesting choice – I’ve not played one so can’t comment from experience, however I have been tempted by the skills/utilities and weapons available.

I know what you mean though, once you’ve played mesmer it’s hard to play anything else, although extended play on any class will become monotonous after a certain amount of time.

Playing with one weapon didn’t help either. I could probably fiddle about two weapon sets, that might help, it’s just finding a build and a new way to play after so long.

Tarnished Coast – [LGBT]
Trixxie Virtuoso – Mesmer

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Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Hmmm… Here are some general suggestions then.

1) Warrior: Between the end line trait called Healing Shouts and Superior Runes of the Soldier, you have a decent amount of AoE effects. There were some interesting buffs that affected the Rifle (directly and indirectly). I could picture you running a Knight / Berserker ranged assassin spec with a Shout focused Rifle spec. (Max out Tactics and Discipline lines, which leaves 10 pts left.) It could be interesting and it would meet your qualification.

2) Ranger: While I’ve never played the class and I know that people often complain that it is under powered, I remember hearing that their Spirit trait / skill spec has some really strong support options and it would give you plenty of ranged combat options.

3) Thief: If you’re regularly running with a core group of people, a Venomous Aura trait build could be interesting. Since a devoted VA spec pretty much requires 30 pts in Deadly Arts and 30 pts in Shadow Arts, you don’t have a lot of room for playing around with trait choices. The spec certainly doesn’t play like a traditional Thief build. However it is a very strong spec when you have people to buff. If you ran the Shortbow and other weapon set for melee circumstances, then the spec has some real potential. (Disclaimer: My main is a VA spec that use S/P and SB. All things considered, VA players are rare and generally considered to be an abberation amongst Thief players.)

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

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Posted by: LiebnirGWAccount.5698


Hmmm… Here are some general suggestions then.

1) Warrior: Between the end line trait called Healing Shouts and Superior Runes of the Soldier, you have a decent amount of AoE effects. There were some interesting buffs that affected the Rifle (directly and indirectly). I could picture you running a Knight / Berserker ranged assassin spec with a Shout focused Rifle spec. (Max out Tactics and Discipline lines, which leaves 10 pts left.) It could be interesting and it would meet your qualification.

2) Ranger: While I’ve never played the class and I know that people often complain that it is under powered, I remember hearing that their Spirit trait / skill spec has some really strong support options and it would give you plenty of ranged combat options.

3) Thief: If you’re regularly running with a core group of people, a Venomous Aura trait build could be interesting. Since a devoted VA spec pretty much requires 30 pts in Deadly Arts and 30 pts in Shadow Arts, you don’t have a lot of room for playing around with trait choices. The spec certainly doesn’t play like a traditional Thief build. However it is a very strong spec when you have people to buff. If you ran the Shortbow and other weapon set for melee circumstances, then the spec has some real potential. (Disclaimer: My main is a VA spec that use S/P and SB. All things considered, VA players are rare and generally considered to be an abberation amongst Thief players.)

Thank you! I’ll have a look into them! It means a lot to me all the help and information you’ve given me! Many +1’s!

Tarnished Coast – [LGBT]
Trixxie Virtuoso – Mesmer

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Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Thank you! I’ll have a look into them! It means a lot to me all the help and information you’ve given me! Many +1’s!

Not a problem. If you’re checking the Wiki to look at possible class builds, also check the patch notes from today since the Wiki won’t be accurate.

Thief - The trait called Leeching Venoms got buffed today, which helps out a Venomous Aura player.

Warrior - Between the buff to a specific Rifle skill, the serious changes to Signet of Might, and the combining of the old 30 pt Discipline traits, most of the reasons that I suggested a Rifle assassin are from the patch notes.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

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Posted by: LiebnirGWAccount.5698


Thank you! I’ll have a look into them! It means a lot to me all the help and information you’ve given me! Many +1’s!

Not a problem. If you’re checking the Wiki to look at possible class builds, also check the patch notes from today since the Wiki won’t be accurate.

Thief - The trait called Leeching Venoms got buffed today, which helps out a Venomous Aura player.

Warrior - Between the buff to a specific Rifle skill, the serious changes to Signet of Might, and the combining of the old 30 pt Discipline traits, most of the reasons that I suggested a Rifle assassin are from the patch notes.

I see, what are your thoughts on Mesmer? With the Main/off-hand weapons?

Tarnished Coast – [LGBT]
Trixxie Virtuoso – Mesmer

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Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Mesmer is on my “must play in the future” list, but I haven’t gotten there yet. Some things look interesting on paper, but I always end up changing my opinions when I’m actually playing a class.

I actually end up playing x2 characters of each class that I’ve started since I end up liking multiple spec paths and it’s too hard to choose just one. So I’ll eventually hit Mesmer, but that probably won’t be until Character #7. (I’m currently working on Character #5 and all of them are somewhere between 50th and 80th level.)

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

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Posted by: LiebnirGWAccount.5698


Mesmer is on my “must play in the future” list, but I haven’t gotten there yet. Some things look interesting on paper, but I always end up changing my opinions when I’m actually playing a class.

I actually end up playing x2 characters of each class that I’ve started since I end up liking multiple spec paths and it’s too hard to choose just one. So I’ll eventually hit Mesmer, but that probably won’t be until Character #7. (I’m currently working on Character #5 and all of them are somewhere between 50th and 80th level.)

I’ll have to have a fiddle, May do something like 2 × 2 weapons.

Tarnished Coast – [LGBT]
Trixxie Virtuoso – Mesmer

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Posted by: Raf.1078


I have all 8 profession w/ 5 lvl 80’s now. Working on my least favorites now…which include the warrior (lvl 40), mesmer (lvl 35) & thief (lvl 71 and prob the next 80).

I have a ton of fun on my necro & ele in wvw. For map completion or harvesting, nothing is better than my ranger.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

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Posted by: LiebnirGWAccount.5698


Small Update; Has a fiddle on mesmer and Sword/Focus is alright thus far, not too sure what to do with the second set of weapons though, Scepter/Pistol? I also need a little help build wise!

Tarnished Coast – [LGBT]
Trixxie Virtuoso – Mesmer

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Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


well with the confusion change to WvW, scepter is not the best choice really, it can still work but it’s just not -as- effective.

what build are you looking for? as you know mesmers can specialize in anything in any part of the game, personally i always change my weapon sets depending on the encounter (pve or pvp) i.e. thief i will chuck a staff on and sword + focus with the chaos field you can instantly nulify stealth and curtain also pulls them out of stealth, while giving you retaliatio…

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Posted by: LiebnirGWAccount.5698


well with the confusion change to WvW, scepter is not the best choice really, it can still work but it’s just not -as- effective.

what build are you looking for? as you know mesmers can specialize in anything in any part of the game, personally i always change my weapon sets depending on the encounter (pve or pvp) i.e. thief i will chuck a staff on and sword + focus with the chaos field you can instantly nulify stealth and curtain also pulls them out of stealth, while giving you retaliatio…

Mainly tryin’ not to be a Greatsworder. I’d use it as secondary, maybe. I’m quite liking Sword in MH so far, not sure what to do for secondary. I’m a bit of a collecto-holic in terms of pretty weapons, and given my shallow disposition, I like having a good looking weapon.

Tarnished Coast – [LGBT]
Trixxie Virtuoso – Mesmer

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Posted by: Seras.5702


Actually, if you want to sport a Legendary, I’d think the lack of a weapon swap would be a good thing for ele. Weapon swapping gives you 2 sets of 1-5 skills. Attunement swapping gives you 4 sets. That’s 2x as many skills and you still get to show off your Legendary weapon. I mention this because of your shallow comment.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

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Posted by: Baladir.2736


No one mentioned Necro, so I’ll throw it out there, even though I deleted mine so I am no expert. But, its ability to remove/apply conditions and remove/apply boons to mobs and party members was phenominal. The essence of support. No other class with the sophistication of their abilities.

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Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

go for sword/focus on your mesmer? its much more… involving than GS, group mobs up with temporal curtain, lock them in place with ileap, cleave through them with auto and warden (phantasm build wardens hit ridiculously hard), whilst reflecting projectiles with your wardens feedback trait (and you have to pay extra attention to dodge/blur attacks)

… it sounds like you just sit and ranged, which is boring on every class

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]